Chatango HTML Tutorial c:

Chatango HTML Tutorial c:

I made this to help my friends with HTML. If you need more help, then PM me. (^O^) I’m a nice girl. ;P Don’t be shy, I won’t be mean to you. c: Feel free to …
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6 responses to “Chatango HTML Tutorial c:”

  1. Riyoken Heika says:

    ok so how do you do multiple lines. all my text underneath my first line is
    cut off

  2. Mayumi equals My Chatango Account 〉‿‿◕ says:

    LMFAO Nu. It’s fine. He’s my friend irl. xD He just loves being a dick. c:

  3. masterelites10 says:

    i need a bit of help, everytime i try to use the mistral font it ends up
    not working, and not only that when i try to change the font size on the
    “about me” box it doesn’t show up unless i leave the font size alone. Help

  4. Kon kurosaki says:


  5. Mayumi equals My Chatango Account 〉‿‿◕ says:

    Show me your codes. I might be able to help, but I dunno. o – o

  6. AnimeCant LiveWithOutUs says:

    I need A code to hide ADS

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