Photoshop CS5 Tutorial – Layers for Beginners

In this video tutorial I talk about Layers in photoshop and how to use them. This is a beginner tutorial that will help you better understand the way layers …
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Video tutorial posted 10/11/14
Category: Photoshop Tutorials

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- offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
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Great Tutorial
thank you a lot
Very good tutorial Dude so clear I struggle to use photo shop mainly
because I coudnt find some good tutorials cheers bro.
hey ,if anyone else wants to learn about
adobe photoshop tutorials basic
try *Greega Amazing Editor Guru* (just google it ) ? Ive heard some
awesome things about it and my work buddy got great results with it.
How do you get pics?
this tutorial help me a lot
I have a question. Assume I have several layers I’m working on and when I
have the one layer highlighted to the right in that navigation bar to
assure I am only working with one of the layers, I assume that whatever
changes I make will only affect the one layer-not all the layers. And yet,
when I go to ROTATION of IMAGE/FLIP HORIZONTAL, all the images in all the
layers flip horizontally. How can I make it so that only one layer/image at
a time can be manipulated? Thank you.
how do i mask a layer
Great, short , educational video. :)
THANK YOU MAN!!!! u saved a lot for me
Thanks meng!
heh.. Kinda remind me a bit of Mr. Rogers and President Regan for some
reason.. But regardless THANX ALOT FOR THE VID! VERY HELPFULL!!
I can’t find my layer tab anymore, please help (:
dear , when i ‘m in new layer 0 could i do work in that layer….and one
more thing when i using layer 0 inbleow 01 or new layer ,i’m getting a pop
up message that source could not connect (its showing msg )
This was pretty well explained. Now just to try it out. Thanks.
Abbie, thank you so much for the positive feedback, I am glad I could teach
your something!
you sound like cleveland from family guy 🙂
I have a bit more challenging set up. I know there are paths you can create
and such. but lets say for artsists. I have seen some one make a layer WITH
IN A LAYER as say kind of like a folder but the icon is the layer but it
has a sub selection. I’ll normally encounter some thing lets say coloring a
leg just how i want it. Then when i try to color the body i will drive my
self INSANE because I will color the leg!. mind going in deph to the
subject? or one way you work around the problem?
How to put up another picture on the original picture? Its like i want to
add my friend on this picture but he’s actually not there.