Quick start with Fluid Grid Layout (responsive design) in Dreamweaver CC

Quick start with Fluid Grid Layout (responsive design) in Dreamweaver CC

In this video tip I’ll give you a quick start on how to work with the Fluid Grid Layout feature of Dreamweaver CC.
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17 responses to “Quick start with Fluid Grid Layout (responsive design) in Dreamweaver CC”

  1. Jay Mck says:

    When I start a fluid grid the green columns have disappeared. Does anyone
    know how to get that back

  2. electroluxia says:

    Excellent. Thank you.

  3. Chapman-Cooper Ltd says:

    Subbed and liked, by far the easiest tutorial to follow I’ve seen.. THANKS
    A LOT. 😀

    Oh btw, would the reason that the ‘Quotes’ appeared when you copy and
    pasted it not be because you had hidden the first one, but when you pasted
    not hidden the second one?

  4. Martin Dowling says:

    Kind of interesting the layout of things. awesome, to say the least. Thank
    you very much for this enlightening and humour-some tutorial.

  5. Marcos Melo says:

    Muito Obrigado… Brasil…

  6. Martin Pfeffer says:

    Adobe products are the worst crap Ive ever seen!

  7. Nereus says:

    finally someone who does a tutorial and don’t speaks theoretically for 15
    parts -.- gosh..

  8. Ping Pong says:

    Very good video, Brian.

  9. Bruce Kowalczyk says:

    Hi Brian

    Is it possible to add a div to a non fluid element that is stretch beyond
    the pars as you did in this video. I would like to color it black and add
    some white fonts, maybe at the footer. Or in the mid page.

  10. Richard H says:

    A every good, informative clip. 2 hours of searching on why i would use’s
    grid layouts summed up in 18:45.

  11. twentyheaven20 says:

    Amazing tutorial. Summarize everything about fluid grid layout in best
    possible way. Explains how to create a basic web page. Rest i can add my
    own creativity like graphics.Thank you so much !!!

  12. Craig Polanowski says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this informative video! Thank you for a clear cut

  13. Craig Royce says:

    awesome bud, awesome.. THE best tut Ive seen so far, nice n fast, just wish
    you had it in Winblows as well -_+ hehe

  14. Doug Barron says:

    The best tutorial I’ve run into. Very helpful. Thank you.

  15. Boris Bartkowski says:

    how can i make a new site and design it in grids as well? 

  16. Nolan Conley says:

    I’d just like to take the time to offer a heartfelt thanks for your
    video! It made a great difference to understanding fluid grid layout.
    Thanks again!

  17. tedfaun says:

    Im still not fully understanding the 100% width option. when i go to add a
    div and untick ‘Insert as fluid element’, the options to add a Class or ID
    are removed so i either do what you do and enter the class name (in your
    case ‘slideshow’) before i untick ‘insert as fluid element’, or i just dont
    enter one at all. I would have thought the result would be the same either
    way, but instead the div only appears 100% width if i do it your way and
    enter the class ID before i untick, despite the fact that the class name we
    have given doesnt appear in the code. But Not entering the class name first
    before unticking creates a div which doesnt go to 100% width in design
    mode. Any clues as to why this is? 

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