Tutorial “Biped Footstep, Layers, and Inverse Kinematics Part 2 -3DS MAX

In this tutorial I cover how to use the Biped footstep rollout, Layers rollout, as well as how to use Inverse Kinematics with Biped bones. I tried to show ho…
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Video tutorial posted 16/11/14
Category: 3DS Max Tutorials

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Migrating from maya to 3d max these tutorials saved my life man. Thanks a
Thanks, for the object IK tip. Pretty nifty.
How do i add a character to it? Like if i had a model i wanted the biped to
I learnt some good stuff.
You need to create an animation cycle when all of them are done. I think
YES thank you so much for an amazing tutorial!
To get fisted by a gorilla.
what did you mean by that??? i found on my own a way out is based in how
longer i want to keep my footsteps so make them to keep more time. . .
Love your voice 😛 (no homo) 😀
Thanks for taking the time to explain what most people can’t.
of the small penis competition.
hi can u tell me how to model (biped) i want to do a commercial about fido
dido character but i don’t know how to model so can u teach me if u can
make a short video thx
what if i want to make my character walk and then stop between my footsteps
and then walk again??
I’m no expert in this, but that sounds like you still got “Figure Mode”
on/off in the motion tab. (Not sure if this needs to be on or off, but my
guess is this needs to be off for animating)
yeah yeah but then the dads get involved and then sisters beer and drugs o
it gets bad fast.
Thanks! 😀
I’m using 3DS 2013, I couldn’t find an IK button in the motion tab, only a
check box
for me whenever i reposition a limb and play it, it goes back to the
original mocap position how do i fix this?
wow imagine if you were sponsered by machinima you would be big