XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 13 – colspan & Annoying People

XHTML and CSS Tutorial - 13 - colspan & Annoying People

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23 responses to “XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 13 – colspan & Annoying People”

  1. MegaGangsta4life says:

    Ive decided I want to be a web designer. Im gonna learn HTML, JavaScript,
    and PHP + MySQL. Thanks to you Im gonna be a boss programmer/designer in no

  2. Archit Saini says:

    Hey bucky, justed wanted to know if we have row spanning just like the
    colspan ?

  3. Jordan Alexo says:

    Thanks good video and it’s a lot easier to learn because you make it funny.

  4. Fa Korte says:

    cute video with odd ppl lol

  5. Nathan Owen says:

    Control and D duplicates lines… a little tip for you, instead of copy +

  6. יעל לוי says:

    You make me laugh to tears!!! Thanks for professional tutorials

  7. Morcous Wahba says:

    @1deividas1 You can’t really teach jQuery… it’s a library. To learn it,
    just use the manual. Note: It will require javascript knowledge.

  8. AusNav09 says:

    yeh do SQL 🙂

  9. jdatabean says:

    sounds like hes talking about his neighbors.

  10. Rosvo99 says:

    There is also rowspan!

  11. galaxyarnold says:

    And make sure u spell “music” wrong and it looks good! HAHAHAHHAHAH

  12. PaulMrThe says:

    @1deividas1 the all knowing bucky

  13. hohoyun says:

    thanks for this tutorial, i learned something new. I’ve used to create 2
    separate tables for the header and data if the the column number is not the
    same for both. This looks must easier than my way, I’ll implement it to my
    work, thanks bucky.

  14. StudioMcHacker says:

    He is actually teaching now, thanks for offer 🙂

  15. Vibol Lee says:

    yes i totally agree with the guy on the second top! you should do database
    management in MySQL

  16. Maximilian Harris says:

    Bucky thank you so much. You should get a job teaching for Harvard or

  17. blessie017marie says:

    lol make sure you spell music wrong XD

  18. Braden Best says:

    yes, and I still clicked Post, because time isn’t a factor. I still get
    replies for comments I posted 4 years ago (on my old account), so don’t
    complain 🙂

  19. EminorEntertainment says:

    North Carolina FTW!

  20. james hudson says:

    dont you have like 9 computer. 3:00

  21. CoolDutchProductions says:

    @1deividas1 i love ajax it is such a good soccer team! 😀 lolz

  22. Vall Ny says:

    1 dislike? How can someone dislike this masterpiece?! You’re awesome Bucky,
    I’m loving this tutorials!

  23. UFTGaming says:

    Sorry that was probably a misclick on my part then. I meant to reply to

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