Dreamweaver CS5 – Adding Javascript

http://www.killersites.com/ From our Dreamweaver CS5 Disc 2 course, in this video tutorial we show you how to add Javascript content. We’ve only made part of…
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Video tutorial posted 05/12/14
Category: Dreamweaver Tutorials
Tags: Adding, Dreamweaver, Javascript

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Videotutorials.co.uk offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
Our site has beginner, intermediate and advanced video tutorials of varying lengths so you can learn a new skill at your own speed and level. So whether you're a web designer, print designer or just wanting to edit some family photos, you can get to it quickly and easily using these free video guides. (more)
Great vid, cheers.
@killerphp Thanks for the invite! I’ll make an account right away. Cheers!
Truly, you’re the Bob Ross of Dreamweaver. All jokes aside, though, this
was a very useful tutorial. I’m currently redesigning my site in DW CS5,
and was wondering if you could help me with something. I wanted to put in a
JS menu bar into my site. I pasted the JS into the code, but the position
is way off. How do I change the position? The menu bar in question is
available through Adobe Widget Browser (Adobe Exchange) as the Spry Menu
Bar 2.0. Thanks in advance!
@TheAppleNewsreeI I invite you to post your questions on our Killersites
Forum, where you’ll find a host of administrators and web
designers/programmers who will be happy to answer all your questions and
work out any problem with you. It would be great to have you join our
@GladHippo Glad you liked our video tutorial!
Very helpful! Thank you very much 😀
my teacher doesnt want the javascript to be in the html page.. i think hes
a noob 😛