Learn CSS in 12 Minutes

I introduce CSS, explain how to link a CSS file with an HTML document and teach the syntax of the language along with the most common properties. ———–…
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Video tutorial posted 27/12/14
Category: CSS Tutorials

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Videotutorials.co.uk offers the web's best Photoshop tutorials, Illustrator video guides, CSS and HTML tutorials and much more all in one place. With new videos being added every day, you can learn how to master software and code to give your images and website some great effects.
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Hi, I’m doing this on mac and having a bit of difficulty, I think the codes
are different for textedit so I was wondering if you could tell me the
differences between coding in text edit and coding in notepad.
Thank you soo much Jake! Because of you, I now know how to design my very
own site. I’d would love to hear more about java script. Thank you again!!
-Louie M
One of the most simple, informative, and to the point videos on Youtube.
Hands down.
Quick, precise, very clear, and very informative. You are a very efficient
but great teacher. Excellent, excellent work.
hi in 1:59 how did u open notepad++ instead of google chrome
because default program was chrome but when u open it , it opened with
Thank you so much Jake. I watched the two HTML videos and can’t believe I
learned that much in just 24 minutes. This CSS video has terrific content,
organization, and recap, but at many points, you’re going just way too
fast. The pace from 9:55 to the end, along with the HTML videos is
excellent. It seems like you rushed much of the first 10 minutes to get
this into 12 minutes, but I need to watch this 3 times to follow because
it’s too fast.
I think the speed is good if discussing with someone who already
understands the content. When learning new concepts, most people need that
2 seconds to digest each minor concept or reasoning for a line/command;
there was no time to digest on much of this video. Like at 8:15 when you
show font weight bold, I see the entry for a cool 1/4 of a second. Aside
from the long paragraph, I’d like to see you type everything out; it gives
us a chance to digest and a chance to experience the real flow of writing
these programs.
You have a tremendous ability to explain things, and if you make more
videos, I hope you master the pacing. Just a bit slower man.
hey man I have lil’ question is it ok if I do it in British English. like
centre instead of center. cos I grew up learning the british style…
How to you edit the thing where you make it so that you can make it so that
the html and css files are connected when you already typed both files?
I hate my self the more each time I realize how much BAD I’m doing in my
computer programs pls I need help
do I need to learn any other program before jumping into css and html
because the more I try to do this the more confused I become.
please if yes wich program do I av to start with?
Super CSS Class
I noticed that when you made the text doc called style.css , the icon
changed. it doesnt do that for me. Also (maybe because of that) css doesnt
work for me.I think im using a windows 7 vista. plz help.
Great job Jake!
you may made some of the traditional teachers angry, who paid by hours, lol
You just earned a subscriber! Very informative information. Easy to follow.
I always had a hard time with Div, ID, and Classes. Threw me off. Thanks!!
Very well spoken, good video
thank you so much for this informative video, thumbs up
can someone help me with making a website pls, i need some advice of a good
web developper greetz!
You’re the best man! Thank you!
going fast as shit boy
cant thank you enough for explaining shit correct though
How do I find file paths on a MAC?
I have watched this video more than 5 times. I request you to make more CSS
video tutorials for us..
If you have problems “painting” header just move it upwards below :)
fantastic video 🙂 thanx :))
Excellent introduction tutorials, thank you.