Make a WordPress theme with Bootstrap 3 – Tutorial #6

Make a WordPress theme with Bootstrap 3 - Tutorial #6

I had a cold when I recorded this, excuse the bad voice. In the sixth instalment of this series, we will be building the navigation bar so that it is fully c…
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20 responses to “Make a WordPress theme with Bootstrap 3 – Tutorial #6”

  1. videosean says:

    sublime text and other decent text editors support multi-line tab indenting
    – just select all the lines you want to change and tab away – a bit faster
    than what you had to do at 5:00. Pretty sure st3 did not need a plugin for
    this functionality.

  2. Alexandre Rocha says:

    Nice tutorial. Is there a way to make the menu aligned to the center of the
    screen? On my html it’s aligned but it’s not aligning to the center after
    i’ve inserted the navwalker menu code.

    My html center code:
    .navbar .navbar-nav { display: inline-block; float: none; vertical-align:
    top; }
    .navbar .navbar-collapse { text-align: center; }

    But it’s not working with the navwalker menu.

  3. Mark Hallam says:

    I can get the drop downs working on hover, however the mobile nav does not
    appear, instead the whole navigation disappears. How does the mobile nav

  4. Were-Ah says:

    I’ve redone this tutorial several times, but every time I see my menu for a
    few second after a refresh. And then it immediately disappears! It’s the
    strangest thing. 

  5. James Williamson says:

    This is a fantastic tutorial, added this to the favourites.

  6. Alexi Taylor-Parent says:

    Could you make a new video of how to integrate a carousel instead of a
    jumbotron for the front page!

  7. Richard Reis Rossati says:

    I have this issue: Fatal error: Class ‘wp_bootstrap_navwalker’ not found in
    C:wampwwwwordpresswp-contentthemesimperioheader.php on line 111.

    My 111 line is: ‘walker’ => new

    What I’m doing wrong?

  8. Adam Pocius says:

    Splendid! I really appreciate the time you have spent creating these videos
    and sharing them with everyone! One thing that kept me smiling is how
    similar your toolset and workflow is to mine! Windows 8, Camtasia,
    Filezilla, Sublime Text (though I also love Notepad++), and the fact that
    you View/Edit files directly from the FTP. You are also very concise in
    your explanations and make it easy to understand and follow. I’m not a
    Wordpress novice, but this has been a great re-introduction for me that I
    enjoyed watching. I am anxious to the see the direction you take next. I’m
    sure you might already know this, but in case not – when you tabbed
    individual lines in Sublime Text (and sped up the video) you could have
    selected all those lines of code and tabbed them simultaneously. Have a
    good one!

  9. skrillexsn says:

    guys how to make the About page ?

  10. Pavan Sihore says:

    thank you so much for all awesome bootstrap and wordpress tutorial.

  11. WordPres :: OEM says:

    Tutorial #6
    Make a WordPress theme with Bootstrap 3 -

  12. Green Warrior says:

    Will there be any more tutorails in this series? I really want to finnish
    with the comments and fixing the about page and things :)

  13. Oda Nicola says:

    It’s awesome!

    But where’s the part #7 and next part of this tutorial videos?

  14. Showcase Imagery says:

    Video 7 making a show any point soon? 

  15. Dany Yo Xoden says:

    Will you continue this series please? :3 this tuts are very usefull

  16. Martin Kramer Hansen says:

    So you didn’t like Windows 8.1 huh? 😀

    Anyways. Thx so much, you’re videos are exemplary ^^

  17. Dávid Kempl says:

    Great tutorial! Thx!

    But I get this error when I trying to set the navwalker:
    Fatal error: Class ‘wp_bootstrap_navwalker’ not found in
    E:XAMPPhtdocswordpresswp-contentthemesmythemeheader.php on line 30

    Where is the problem, in the functions.php?

  18. Mrityunjoy Das says:

    I can’t find the featured image option in the theme and in the post or page
    media files are not showing

  19. Justin Javier says:

    is there no Tutorial #7?

  20. Leopoldo Blanco says:

    Thank you, very much!

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