Photoshop Tutorial: Erase Clothes Tool

Photoshop Tutorial: Erase Clothes Tool

My Top Ten Photoshop Hacks My buddy ended up sending me a link with a place to download this tool. It worked out pretty well I gue…
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25 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial: Erase Clothes Tool”

  1. malte borg-andersen says:

    I know it’s fake but where dafuq do you find fully nude pictures? 

  2. Bba Mat says:

    which tools and photoshop u r using this plzz reply me

  3. AVAGaming says:

    Guys… Take a hint, if hes HIDING the tool in the video and NOT putting a
    link for download, MAYBE, just maybe, its fake! He put those clothes on,
    takes the eraser tool and, this may come as a shock, ERASES THE CLOTHING!
    Ya and those “top” and “bottom” buttons that hes talking about… R the
    layers he has on top of the background

  4. SoundLemon says:

    Guys, the tool is called creating a new layer on top of the person, and
    eraser tool. 🙂 Y’all are idiots if you think you can actually do this

  5. Captain Caveman says:

    You people are all idiots!! He’s placed the clothes on a separate layer
    then erased them to show to original shot underneath. Duh!

  6. junior munoz says:

    Fuck you show it all

  7. killazincboss1 says:

    hahahaaaayou undermind ppls intelligence dont u

  8. Ukic Malic says:

    so stupppppppppid

  9. Raghuram chedal says:

    sir wich tool that remove totally clothes pls tell me that tool name

  10. Debshubra Das says:

    please download link send me.

  11. Ziyad Ousmand says:

    funny xD I remember I did something like this to a friend of mine who was a

  12. Evelyn toxickivi says:


  13. ali J says:

    Its very funny but its fake it doesn’t work like you doing.
    I am working with photoshop cs6 I can make it like you do.
    does someone know how can naked in photoshop cs6 plz replay
    me if someone knows

  14. John Dough says:

    I need that program bro please send me the link. 

  15. Amar Naidu says:

    I need help with erase cloths

  16. Peco Chia says:

    Bull Shit!

  17. ahmed hassan says:

    link please !!!!

  18. Karma Jamtsho says:

    Its fine but you are not showing the tools. Shoe the tool usages one by

  19. Poon Kahlok says:

    how to get

  20. Henry Richard says:

    where do u find this tool

  21. Thamu dharan says:

    for introducing this interesting tool to me i am going to be called as
    “senseless pussy” 

  22. bAdB0ez says:

    u should try this “”fake”” tool of ur’s on your mother’s clothes…
    then u might come to see her fully naked

  23. George Santag says:

    hey were do you get this tool pretty cool. I am interested in it please.

  24. Biplov Neupane says:

    which tools and photoshop u r using this plzz reply me

  25. Henry Richard says:

    please do tell an detailed explanation on how to use this tool

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