Photoshop Tutorial | Photo Manipulation | Convert image into Newspaper Effect

Photoshop Tutorial | Photo Manipulation | Convert image into Newspaper Effect

A Photoshop tutorial on manipulation on any photo. software used Adobe Photoshop CC Version What is it? Photo manipulation is the act of altering a photo usi…

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20 responses to “Photoshop Tutorial | Photo Manipulation | Convert image into Newspaper Effect”

  1. jlassi sameh says:

    2:52 pls ? what happen

  2. Steven Arjun says:

    sometimes its hard to understand what are you doing when you are not
    explaining can u do again with subtitles

  3. Nahian Rahman says:

    it would’ve been better if u guided by voice too.. just saying

  4. Rohan Mathur says:

    this is really best..

  5. Prabh Saini says:

    Thank you bro

  6. Interman says:

    Arun thanks for great tutorials!But it would be better if you will change
    your soundtrack sometimes,this same music is very annoying:)Thanks

  7. Jumbo D says:

    Pretty cool … tyb … !

  8. Ranjit Kashyap says:

    Respected Sir,
    I regular watching your tutorial and i request to you that how can we make
    the movie poster in photoshop. I am waiting your reply sir.

    thanks & regards

    Mr. Rohit Kashyap

  9. habeeb ali says:

    plz give stock images for the tutorial]

  10. SASI KUMARR says:

    Good video..but y cant u explain it clearly..

  11. Jojo Ghosh says:

    can u put ur voice….

  12. Ashwajit Mahadik says:

    Who Didn’t Get At 4.34-Just Press [Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E]!!!!!!!

  13. Jojo Ghosh says:

    wat hapen in 2.51

  14. emma lissette alvarado vasquez says:


  15. Fer Herwaarden says:

    Sorry, goes way to fast for me, and no telling what kind of layers, or
    settings… for a beginner, not so much, i do love the result your getting,
    but i can’t create it with this video… 

  16. Mremperorx7 says:

    hey thanks for this its amazing >>> but sorry i cant do it in min 4:36 i
    don’t know what u did .. i mean what short cut u used please can u explain 

  17. urhigh nhest says:

    thanks!! now i found the easiest way to do this.. 

  18. Mohamed Razim says:

    what happened in min 3:50???

  19. oğuz uz says:

    Actually i prefer your videos with your voice, instead of music. Becaus
    sometimes its hard to understand what are you doing when you are not
    explaining 🙁 

  20. vinay mathi says:

    bro if u don’t want to give voice to video plz atleast sub-titles bro

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