Adobe Illustrator Tutorial 4: Turning Real Images to Cartoons

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial 4: Turning Real Images to Cartoons

Back with a sweet tutorial on how to make pictures (or video if you do each frame) look like creative cartoons. It’s a simple technique that uses the pen too…

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3 responses to “Adobe Illustrator Tutorial 4: Turning Real Images to Cartoons”

  1. Shadow Gaming Station says:

    Tutorial is great, but AI keeps frustrating me, because I got used to PS,
    and this reminds me on it, but contorls are SO differend…

  2. Chris Martinez says:

    I’m offended by your nipples!

    JK I appreciated your use of the layers and showed how they can be
    re-arranged in the window.

    Would you mind doing a tutorial that’s a very basic intro to how to use
    layers? Or is that more of a Photoshop thing? I’m trying to learn how to
    use Adobe suite and all of this is new to me. Thanks.

  3. Yen Tran says:

    just what a need! many thanks!

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