After Effects: Using Trig Expressions and Particular

After Effects: Using Trig Expressions and Particular

In this After Effects Tutorial VideoFort Jon shows you how to incorporate trignometry into expressions to create a sprial effect usi…
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5 responses to “After Effects: Using Trig Expressions and Particular”

  1. Camnon says:

    Thanks a ton, this totally helped me out! As designers some of us don’t
    have mad math skillza, so I appreciate the sharing of this expression :)

  2. Wayne Evans says:

    A new, easy and powerful 2D to 3D AE Fx Preset Plugin, see what i have
    created with’s easy to use

  3. Ramyan Irenius says:

    how do you do your intro effect?

  4. guysytaccount says:



  5. Robin A says:

    thanks a lot!

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