Create Basic CSS StyleSheet in Dreamweaver

Create Basic CSS StyleSheet in Dreamweaver

This tutorial will show you how to create a basic css stylesheet in Dreamweaver. If you like this and want to help me out. I would appreciate it. Visit me at…
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21 responses to “Create Basic CSS StyleSheet in Dreamweaver”

  1. celtic celtic says:

    Salam Alikoum
    Why This big Writing Brother ?? plzzz

  2. Paul Durano says:

    The audio quality is good and explanation is easy to follow. Thank you.

  3. The JLynn Store says:

    Anybody wants to create a CSS Style Sheet? #creatingwebsite
    Create Basic CSS StyleSheet in #Dreamweaver – YouTube

  4. Bronzehawk11 says:

    Thanks that was great!! 

  5. Mac Khmer says:
  6. G0ld3nB4lls says:


  7. Melee2Kil says:

    Where is the next video link please!

  8. HamEntertainment says:

    Very helpful thank you!

  9. Son Nguyen says:

    Hey Todd, why CS5 is somewhat different….

  10. 11889music says:

    What is: @charset ‘utf-8’ ?

  11. CatastroficCat says:

    Very helpful, thank you :o)

  12. Todd Shelton says:

    You can certainly do that if you want, but I just choose to use ID’s where
    they are needed. I can also look at a page and see what is used only one
    time. Just by seeing the # symbol.

  13. WilliamsAndBHW says:

    This video finally got my head round it, THANK YOU

  14. SupportAZ . says:

    I am curious…. Why not just make everything a class instead of an ID
    (just in case you need to use it more than once on a page)?

  15. AISINISAM says:

    thanks a lot…

  16. Christopher Kelleher says:

    Thank you really helped

  17. Todd Shelton says:

    try googling this and W3C schools will give you a good answer.

  18. MARIGOLD O. says:

    Thanks a lot very helpful, where is the second lesson?

  19. Raj Tilak says:

    Very helpful, thanks for uploading!!!

  20. Nicole Rawlings says:

    To ensure the properties come up when you hit enter make sure you use { }
    rather than these ( ). This will save you scratching your head wondering
    why no properties are showing up when you hit enter. Enjoy

  21. mrkookalabanza says:

    Thank you. I was indeed scratching my head.

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