CSS3 Tutorial: How to add animation effects to your HTML

CSS3 Tutorial: How to add animation effects to your HTML

In this video I run through the simple steps of working with CSS3 Transitions. CSS3 Transitions can be used to accomplish a plethora of tasks involved in web…

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9 responses to “CSS3 Tutorial: How to add animation effects to your HTML”

  1. Neil Eline Hernandez says:

    how can i make it a link without changing its color. when i do so, it turns
    to purple with underline.

  2. aman jain says:

    i want to make website of my college with animation and stuff.first thing
    can u tell me what platform u were creating this on is it some kind of
    compiler….amd second to put big animations on website what should we

  3. shahid brown says:

    I am currently watching and discussing css content with #googleplus using
    #hangouts join me if you want to learn, share or comment thank you

  4. Zee J says:

    Super helpful! Thank you!

  5. QU ERYXX says:

    thank you!

  6. remsan03 says:

    O wow. I’m subscribing. Please make more tutorials. Your explanation is
    clear and easy to replicate.

  7. halifaxskater says:

    Thanks dude!

  8. CodeNamedNick says:

    That has to do with the browser rendering the font. You may want to try to
    add the following: html{ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; font-smooth:
    never; } Hope it helps!

  9. AZU AZU says:

    Excellent, I can’t wait. I just realised that when I use font-face on the
    iMac, it displays it sharply. However, when I use a Windows platform, the
    text is unreadable?? Do other people have this issue as well?

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