Dreamweaver Tutorial 1: DIV Layout

Dreamweaver Tutorial 1: DIV Layout

May 28, 2012 – UPDATE: My new website is up, www.fexstudios.com you can also find me on Facebook under www.facebook.com/fexstudios Also, I have a new channel…

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14 responses to “Dreamweaver Tutorial 1: DIV Layout”

  1. Darius Molark says:

    Excellent, very good. Thanks!

  2. dr4gondc says:

    i used AP divs aswell, when i go to view it the site to see how it looks,
    the AP div are outside the div wrapper how do i sort this problem out?

  3. mathewskalawa says:

    hi guys, where could i get a complete script for a page for making online
    hotel reservation. i need it urgent =) for my school project

  4. Light Yagami says:

    Thank you so much :)

  5. vyshak saseendran says:
  6. MissionGrey says:

    It was just a intro that came with the screen recording program.

  7. MissionGrey says:

    Thank you! New stuff will be coming soon

  8. MissionGrey says:

    I will cover this in the next tut.

  9. Paul Simon says:

    thanks men, with you CSS seems to be a lot more easier and less stressful
    especially for those that don’t like coding, my self included. once again
    thank you

  10. supershady11 says:

    you can’t imagine how much has that video helped me, i have turned into a
    very good div layout designer!

  11. Jonas Albaira says:

    what is the resolution of your background image?

  12. MissionGrey says:

    @DJinWV1 Thank You, Im working on a new one. The trick that really has been
    a game changer for me is CSS3. Once you can grasp how to use that to your
    benefit, makes life easy, I just learned these last few months

  13. MissionGrey says:

    @jackarts Your welcome, Im glad I could help

  14. MissionGrey says:

    Thank you!

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