How To Create An ECOMMERCE WordPress Website | Step-By-Step Tutorial For Beginners — BEAUTIFUL!

How To Create An ECOMMERCE WordPress Website | Step-By-Step Tutorial For Beginners -- BEAUTIFUL! In this WordPress tutorial for beginners, learn how to create a WordPress e-commerce website and online store for less than us…
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21 responses to “How To Create An ECOMMERCE WordPress Website | Step-By-Step Tutorial For Beginners — BEAUTIFUL!”

  1. 77webstudio says:

    +Enrico Galvini hi enrico, thanks for your comment. i’m not sure about wpml
    but i just found this thread so mystile must be wpml-compatible. i would
    ask the team at wpml about specific questions. here’s a convo asking about
    mystile+wpml, hope this helps guide you in the right direction.
    pura vida! : )

  2. susintheworld says:

    Hi Katrina,
    Thanks for all your videos!
    I followed one of your tutorials to set up my website with a Genesis Pro

    First question: What’s the best way to add ecommerce and not have it on the
    homepage? I have a natural health practice, so I don’t want the homepage to
    be a commercial ecommerce page, but I’d like to instead make products &
    services available through the Shop tab on the homepage and have the
    ecommerce somewhere else on the site.
    Another question: In order to add ecommerce to my GenesisPro site , do I
    also need to add the Mystile Woo Commerce theme in addition to the Genesis
    Pro WP theme- are those 2 seperate things?



    nice thank you very much……….

  4. venuspsychic says:

    cool this !! x from VENUSPSYCHIC COM

  5. supbrotv says:

    Shared hosting is good for testing out the site before you launch it but if
    youre seriously thinking about running an ecommerce business go with an
    entry level VPS hosting because once site starts growing the shared hosting
    wont be able to handle it and switching from shared to vps can cause some
    issues, once your site even grows larger you can switch to a larger
    slightly more expensive vps server. pricing starts from around $30 and goes
    up to around $150 a month.

  6. GoogIe PIus says:

    Hey Katrina, thanks for such an in-depth tutorial. I’m actually feeling
    kind of bad because I purchased a Dynamix theme from themeforest to turn
    into an eshop for my designs, but it looks like the theme you chose was not
    only simpler, but also free! Oh well looks like I will cut my losses and
    try to make use of the theme I purchased. If it doesn’t work though I will
    definitely download that free theme and follow your tutorial verbatim since
    you obviously know what you’re doing! Thanks again for such an awesome tut!
    Subbed and subscribed on your website!

  7. nzt48 says:

    Hi Katrina,

    Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent videos. This one in particular
    has helped me greatly. I’ve set up 2 or 3 of my own e-commerce websites now
    thanks to it and i think they all look great, for a fraction of the cost of
    a web designer. Your style and delivery is perfect and so easy to follow.
    I’m now at the stage where i need to get my websites ranking in Google. I
    wondered if you have put together any content anywhere for SEO? I’d really
    love a video like this one (~2 hours long) but for SEO for wordpress and
    the step by step things to do to get your website on page 1 of Google. You
    could do it just like this video where you are doing the actual stuff to
    one of your own sites and we get to follow along. I think it’d be great for
    you too, you’d get loads of views. Hope to hear from you about this. Thanks
    so much again.

  8. Hong Thanh says:

    Thanks for great video.I have a problem with Menu.When I created a Menu in
    frontstore : Home | Shop page.The Shop page include electric & fashion
    submenu.I also made products in electric & fashion submenu.Now I want
    these products also appearance to the Shop page.How can I do?

  9. Diana MEYER says:

    Hello Katrina, thanks for making those tutorials which I find very helpful
    😉 I have a question, I am building a website using the theme “Customizr”
    but after installing “woodojo” it seems that I can’t get access to “Pages”
    in the “WooCommerce” settings…. Aren’t they compatible?

  10. Eugene Makhukhule says:

    Hi, I would like to know if whether i can have a web application on a
    wordpress site.
    I have a client that wants to have his clients look at their accounts on a
    wordpress site, so they can keep record of their accounts and their
    payments for a funeral parlour business.

    Do you have any suggestions in place.

    Your respond is highly appreciated

  11. Rikki Vromen says:

    Many thanks for your amazing tutorial
    I am using mystile theme
    Could you dedicate a tutorial as how to improve the display of the product
    ‘s images

  12. Austin Akalanze says:

    Hi Katrina, Just recently found your channel and it is awesome. Great
    tutorial, clear and straight to the point. Following your teaching I
    started on an ecommerce site and when I uploaded and configured the
    Homepage banner, it would not show up. Went through each item on the page
    and they all look right but still the banner will not display. Any
    suggestion on that?

  13. Steves Beez says:

    Great video thanks

  14. Becky Fullmer says:

    Thank You for this video! Mystile is still at the top of my website and I
    can’t seem to remove it. Any ideas?

  15. MidasGoldKing says:

    Hi Katrina,
    Many thanks for this excellent tuto ,it s really very useful and clearly
    explained .thank you for your time and for your spent energy to deliver us
    this must have tuto. God Bless You Dear. have a nice day .

  16. Elizabeth Chabin says:

    Hi Katrina, THANK YOU for these videos! If it weren’t for these resources
    I would still be talking about building a website some day. I’m curious if
    you have any thoughts or advice on tax calculators/plugins. I’m using
    Virtue with WooCommerce and need to calculate taxes for sales just for my
    home state. I’m reading a lot of conflicting information. When I search
    the WordPress site I can find several plugins, but none that appear to be
    overwhelmingly popular/highly downloaded. The reviews seem to smack too
    much of sales pitches for me to have too much faith in them. Do you have
    any thoughts or advice? Many thanks in advance.

  17. sourab khajuria says:

    Hello, thanks for great video, i would like to know how could you change
    the color of stars when you review the item and give rating by clicking on
    because that stars color is bit dull. thanks

  18. Hema L says:

    Thanks for a thorough tutorial! Very helpful.

  19. Jane Doe says:

    Hi, thanks for the great video! I downloaded the MyStile theme but it does
    not show up as a .zip file on my computer and there fore I am unable to
    upload via the wordpress dashboard – appearances- add new theme section..
    any tips? I am running Mac OS X Version 10.8.3 . Please help as soon as you
    can, thanks!

  20. Lucy Froehlich says:

    Katrina, Thanks for this video. I have a question. Is there a limit on how
    many navigation items I can add to main nav area? The reason I ask is that
    when I was adding all our products to the shop page I got to a point where
    it wouldn’t allow me to add anymore. I have 100 product categories for the
    shop page and other 7 pages. Thanks in advance.

  21. raj chaubey says:

    madam . i add product and fill up and publish but not show picture only
    show error

    Error 404 – Page not found!

    The page you trying to reach does not exist, or has been moved. Please use
    the menus or the search box to find what you are looking for.

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