iMovie 2.1 Update for iOS 8 – New Features Overview

iMovie 2.1 Update for iOS 8 - New Features Overview

This video explains and shows the new features found in iMovie for iOS Version 2.1. Follow me on twitter for new video updates:…
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25 responses to “iMovie 2.1 Update for iOS 8 – New Features Overview”

  1. SuperMelanie2003 says:

    I have a iPad mini, My iMovie does not have a speed option how i can
    resolved,i try to update iMovie iOS 8 but nothing! Help!

  2. ClashinWith KJ says:

    How can I speed up videos?

  3. SuperHollers says:

    iMovie won’t let me upload my videos to youtube ever since I got the
    update. Help?

  4. FailMaster says:

    It became very uncomfortable to edit videos

  5. Allen Plays says:

    Can you edit videos from your photo library?

  6. Bob pizza says:

    That update doesn’t work on my iPad :(,And either does the effects :(

  7. MINECRAFTlORD808 says:

    I have a 2 minute video that I cant export to my camera roll… This is the
    iOS 8 version! Pls help

  8. TheSwanou says:

    Hello my imovie bug 🙁 im french and my iphone is jaibreak 

  9. Joshie D Vlogs says:

    And the text effects are not from the Mac version it still the same!

  10. SeekHeart says:

    it chops up vids taken in landscape.

  11. karynlaura says:

    It won’t let me upload to YouTube or save to my iPad 4 running 8.1.1. Why?

  12. AlexSky7700 says:

    What would be the best way to create credits at the end of the movie?

  13. Izlandboi671 P says:

    How can I do a thumbnail on the imovie phone app? To upload to YouTube. I
    transfer my videos for on my hero3.. And do all my editing on my iPhone 5s.

  14. TheMixedChannel26 says:

    Do you need iOS8 for the filters?

  15. Joshie D Vlogs says:

    You can slow mo the video but you can’t make it faster! Trust me I know!

  16. nathan atkinson says:

    I’m trying to speed up a clip and it’s different from the old version I’m
    using a ipad version 2.1.1

  17. vangeta says:

    How do I turn off that annoying ken burns zooming in my picture and show
    the whole picture?

  18. Clouch says:

    Can anyone tell me I you can change the opacity on iphone imove I really
    need to know 

  19. Rosie LaBelle says:

    Can you add new fonts?

  20. star says:

    How can I add text for a like about a minute and make it dissapear 

  21. Kayla_Productions says:

    I have an original iPad mini, but I still don’t know how to speed up the
    video. Help?

  22. John Wilkinson says:

    Thanks. Useful!

  23. SimplyKeziah09 says:

    How Did You Record Your Screen?!

  24. Brandon Wong says:

    helped a lot! thanks bro!

  25. Little Biscuit says:

    How to speed up the video?

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