Lightroom 4 Tutorial : How to make a Timelapse !

Lightroom 4 Tutorial : How to make a Timelapse !

Download this file from the link. Unzip the files for the Slideshow templates not the video. Lightroom 4 Tu…
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25 responses to “Lightroom 4 Tutorial : How to make a Timelapse !”

  1. Ley Castillo says:

    Thanks for the tutorial man! Very helpful. 🙂 However, after i exported
    the video it is still in the original aspect ratio (4:3) and not on the
    16:9 as i cropped it? What could’ve i done wrong? 🙂


  2. Ley Castillo says:

    Yes i did, but let me check that again. :)

  3. Nate McLean says:

    Can anyone tell me how to export at a high quality? Any why when selecting
    the 24fps template my image is cropped even more than I already did (16×9
    in earlier step as he did in video). The export is a 480×270 for some
    reason. :(

  4. Cheryl Wood says:

    I’m getting a message on import that the preset file was the wrong type of
    preset. Suggestions?

  5. Mandy Mortimer says:

    Thanks for this.
    Just a quick note from a professional video editor (me) for people
    wondering about frame rates and which to use.
    NTSC works in 30fps (technically 29.97 & typically a US format)
    PAL actually runs in 25fps (typically Europe, SA, Aus, NZ etc)
    Film is 24fps

    So, if you want your timelapses for use in a video meant for TV, you’re
    either going to be using 30fps or 25fps (not 24fps)

    And if it’s for online only, then have your pick, it doesn’t really matter!

  6. Arsenios Machos says:

    oohh man that was really helpful! cheers!

  7. Kevin Naylor says:

    Thanks, nice tutorial. Check out this device for pan/tilting time lapse

  8. Demis Hellen says:

    You say your not going to tell us what a time-lapse is then you do 🙂 good
    video :)

  9. Robert Bascelli says:

    Excellent video. I was finally able to download the link. You made it very
    easy to follow. Thank you.

  10. Antero Hein says:

    cool thanks alot man!

  11. david English says:

    Very east to understand …thanks

  12. Jon Byron says:

    Hi, for some reason when i try to unzip the file it is asking for a
    password? i am in the slideshow module and have followed the video closely.
    any help would be greatly appreciated.

  13. thatguyoverthere06 says:

    omg shut up and teach me jesus christ.

  14. Tommy999xxx says:

    The link for the presets is empty WTF man! ! !!

  15. Fabian Blandford says:

    the link you show to the presets doesn’t work..the zip file shows corrupted
    or missing files…any other links?

  16. Andrew Barton says:

    Good man

  17. Armand Azharan says:

    i can’t unzip the files, any suggestion? thank you :)

  18. Tim Snyder says:

    I can’t find the link to download the preset!

  19. Tim Whittaker says:

    weird I get an error importing.. “wrong type of preset” Ideas? Thanks, Tim

  20. Ionut Stoican says:

    The lightroom blog doesn’t work. Can you send the templates please via mail?

  21. Phạm Hải Long says:

    Hi Rob . I can’t download from lightroom-blog . com. Can you re-upload to
    other sever, please !

  22. Shanaka Chamal Dias says:

    wow great mannn

  23. Donald Goldney says:

    Was following this fine tim we got top the lightroom templates????????
    where are they or are they called presets???

  24. Rob Pullen says:

    Once you’ve unzipped the Slideshow Templates and clicked on User Templates
    and unzipped them, import them into LR as shown on the video. Once imported
    the files live in LR under the Slideshow menu and you need to click on the
    User Templates to see the imported files. Hope this helps. Remember when
    importing, in LR, right click where it says User Templates and not where is
    says Template Browser you will then have the option for a new folder or to

  25. Rob Pullen says:

    You’re welcome !!

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