Photoshop: How to Make Jaw-dropping, 3D Anaglyphs from Photos.

Photoshop: How to Make Jaw-dropping, 3D Anaglyphs from Photos.

Photoshop CS6 Extended tutorial showing how to make a multilevel, 3D anaglyphic image from a photo. To actually see the 3D effect requires looking at it thro…

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17 responses to “Photoshop: How to Make Jaw-dropping, 3D Anaglyphs from Photos.”

  1. Bull1the1Great says:

    does the order of CYAN and RED folders matter ?

  2. Lacey Hale says:

    I, too, am stuck on the “Content Aware” step. Any ideas on what I did
    wrong? Says that I can’t fill it with content aware content because there
    is not enough data to fill it. ?? suggestions, please.

  3. mike T says:

    Anaglyph 3d glasses needed! :3 (if you want to test the 3d image!) =D

  4. Rosielis Espinal says:

    Hi there! I’ve been trying for the past hour to “Fill” the layer but it
    keeps saying “could not complete because not enough opaque pixels” I’ve
    looked into all the other problems people have had, tried expanding it a
    bit more and nothing 🙁 Please help!

  5. Fernando Miranda says:

    very clear and nice tutorials, thank you for sharing

  6. eShlepper says:

    The keystroke shortcuts (especially for mac) made this fantastic. 

  7. Leonard Rapoport says:

    Great tutorial, very clear and lots of key stroke shortcuts that I never
    used before. Will give it a shot now. Will watch this a number of times
    and give it a try. My thumbs up to you for a job well done.

  8. Jerry Plummer says:

    Very interesting!

  9. Karsten Bruun Qvist says:

    Very cool – thanks ;-)

  10. Michael Klein says:

    Beautifully done demo–thanks so very much!

  11. says:

    Thx Dude really

  12. Irish Liberty says:

    Awesome tutorial! are you using Photoshop CS6? i have CS4 and don’t have
    the Content-Aware option in Edit>Fill.

  13. Angry Goblin says:

    incredible tut , thanks so much!

  14. Vienkārši TrapTWG.- says:

    I Can’t ” Modify ” HELP :(

  15. Sarah Hendry says:

    Awesome job with the tutorial. 🙂
    can’t wait to get started on my own 3D project. :)

  16. Ishaan Pilar says:

    love you marty, this stuff is soo damn coool
    ,,, old school

  17. Nate Ramos says:

    My photoshop doesnt show the channgels when i click on the layer titled red

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