Beginner PHP Tutorial – 12 – Embedding PHP Inside HTML

Beginner PHP Tutorial - 12 - Embedding PHP Inside HTML

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22 responses to “Beginner PHP Tutorial – 12 – Embedding PHP Inside HTML”

  1. Abc says:

    sloppy and all over the place

  2. Janis L. says:

    Coolest PHP tutorials ever

  3. Aimismyname says:

    @Hapistorique Cool, thanks!

  4. Mike Smith says:


  5. Bob Bobby says:

    Really good tutorial this one, thanks!

  6. FunkyDavis says:

    thnks 😉

  7. Aimismyname says:

    best practice when declaring variables is to use single or double quotes?

  8. joe o says:

    at first i taught these these tutorials were bullshit. Now i see you are
    doing pretty well as a teacher!

  9. Baruch Hen says:

    Wtf was that sound at 1:00? Btw good tutorial!

  10. Dalwanaage says:

    I am really happy to see phpacadammy and thenewboston together. Thanks alex
    and Greg.

  11. grodobean says:

    How would you make a user variable ex: user types “Example” $user_sting=the
    text typed in by user

  12. Khanacademyr0cks says:

    Bacon and tuna part was amazing, It made me ROFL..

  13. RandomlyEssential says:

    once again awesome video! I like your accent. Most English accents annoy
    me, especially the one my friend has, but yours I like, which is great bcs
    I am going to be watching 200 some odd videos listening to it! 😛

  14. Jesus Bejarano says:

    i like this comments cuz its make me laugh so hard XD

  15. youdripblood says:

    wow no dislikes!

  16. Kieran Kelly says:

    these are great… V good tutor, a big cyberspace pat on the back for you

  17. FunkyDavis says:

    in the previous video he put name=”name”. Why it’s not here? Which is its
    function? Somebody can help me?

  18. UltraStatic1OO says:

    @NIN1024 tnx i’ll remember that

  19. James Hack says:

    /watch?v=Z2s8oTqAxAg try this one

  20. Kush Gupta says:

    i dont know whats the problem with youtube, i cant paste a piece of my
    coding to ask the prob…

  21. muhammad gulzar says:

    nice tutorials alex!!!!!! thanks

  22. Christos Sidiropoulos says:

    good tutorials but i think he stretches everything to much, i dont know any
    php but im a long year java programmer. I get bored by the end of your
    vids, take this as critic at high level, your awsome anyway

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