CSS Website Design Tutorial – #2 Formatting and Layout Introduction

CSS Website Design Tutorial - #2 Formatting and Layout Introduction

In this, the second CSS website design tutorial, I will be introducing you to page layouts and we will create a content filled box using CSS styling as well …
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24 responses to “CSS Website Design Tutorial – #2 Formatting and Layout Introduction”

  1. timotej787 says:

    for your html and css projects i really recommend notepad++

  2. tom dytrych says:

    The constant zipping around made my head spin a bit.

  3. Mary Priest says:

    love how fast and to the point you are

  4. Willito Garrett says:

    Great videos, I’ve been learning css/html at school and have been very
    succesful from your tutorials

  5. Shaffin Karani says:

    hi thank u for these, but i want to ask u what is the use of it i mean how
    can other people see these basically i want to publish my site on web
    so can these help me?

  6. coencorr23 says:

    i’m getting the hang of this now but i want to get a better overview than
    texteditor. anyone reccomend a good text editor for MAC. notepadd++ is only
    windows :(

  7. zita mohmohammed ben messaoud says:

    hi EdzJohnson firstly i want to thank you for these course i realy like
    your coures
    i wannt ask you why did you close it using and not

    here is some content
  8. TechHeads1 says:

    you can use hyper cam 2 for your computer screen recording

  9. HunterGamingHD says:

    great tutorial!

  10. Jad Assaf says:

    Thanks man!

  11. dacster13 says:

    the span element’s display property is inline by default so the width of
    it’s box is exactly the same width as the text content. Whereas the display
    property for div element’s are block by default so they stretch the whole
    width of their container. So there really isn’t any problem with span, you
    can actually achieve the same effect with the following css. .t1 { display:
    block; text-align: center; } I hope that helps. =)

  12. russjr08 says:

    Cool 🙂

  13. troglodyte3344 says:

    @mattsaundersmcp I went to your channel and the tutorials are mediocre at
    best. You shouldn’t spam other web design channels. it’s really
    unprofessional and rude.

  14. Hanane Jahid says:

    I love you edz

  15. Gamelaster says:

    Hi, awesome tutorial, pls , creating the next tutorials =)

  16. ordazm says:

    Lovin the videos keep them comin!!!

  17. Minirobo1 says:

    how do you make it centre

  18. finalkillcams says:

    you should do a vid how to get a log in and sign out just like youtube

  19. Rafe Lambert says:

    because u need a web host like.hostgator ecc some are free some arnt thumbs
    up so u can see

  20. Isaiah Marcaida says:

    This is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

  21. Muhammad ismail says:

    nice , go a head

  22. sunny sahu says:

    hiiiiiiiiiiii my name is sunny i likes your all videos i have a css and
    html question how to make drop left or right button link for web page.

  23. Simon Nielsen says:

    Nice 😀

  24. Isaiah Marcaida says:

    Can you make a login/out and registration form plsss

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