How to paint REALISTIC HAIR with Photoshop – easy tutorial for mouse or tablet

How to paint REALISTIC HAIR with Photoshop - easy tutorial for mouse or tablet

Prerequisite: ____Click on “Show more” to look at my other tutorials___ _____ HOW TO DRAW (digital and traditional…
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24 responses to “How to paint REALISTIC HAIR with Photoshop – easy tutorial for mouse or tablet”

  1. Unica Terranova says:

    Excellent!!! Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!

  2. TastyRiff says:

    I love you nice job 😛 !!!

  3. Gennaro rossi says:

    how did she get the outline of the pic, the whole pic? before she started
    painting hair.
    Does anyone know?

  4. Graham Knowles says:

    Awesome Video. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Marjolein Deelen says:

    Hi Stephanie.
    I have a weird question. Is it possible that you have a horse drawing and
    then it goes to me, especially the mane and the pony! It would be great and
    I think you will make many more people happy I get it if you, for whatever
    reason, unable or unwilling to do.
    Yet Thanks Greetings Marjolein Deelen

  6. metalxempress says:

    I like how you use smudge tools

  7. Robert Graham says:

    For a fantasy graphic I hope to make for my novel, I’m trying to learn how
    to add shaggy red hair to one of my characters. This video is already quite
    helpful, and I sincerely thank you for posting it.

  8. Felipe Cedeno says:

    Excellent work Stephanie, what is the name of that song? Ths

  9. kei0520 says:

    I like what you’ve done, and tried to replicated it. unfortunately it works
    only on low res images and the smudge trick doesn’t quite work on my 600
    DPI sketch… Any insight or tips you can offer? Thanks!

  10. Denon Heon says:

    Your tutorial are perfect, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  11. Alex Lementuev says:

    You’re not a human, you’re a robot! I’ve tried this at home: it’s
    impossible! :)

  12. renz joseph says:

    This tut is really great!
    but i want another color for the hair,
    how do i do it?

  13. Meriapip & Friends Productions says:

    how do you get your lines so neat? mine are sketchy, how can i avoid this?

  14. Stephanie Valentin says:

    Are you serious ? lol

  15. SuperSlime :D says:

    thank you! you have no idea how helpfull you are!

  16. whisper8501 says:

    КРУТО ЧЕ: )

  17. Angelicshineful says:

    Vous êtes un artiste incroyable et vos tutoriels sont très utiles! J’espère
    vraiment que pour devenir aussi bon que vous un jour!

  18. Nayib Méndez Coto says:

    Hello , you´re such a good drawer 😮 My problem is that I use Corel Draw,
    does somenoe know how could I get a smooth brush like the one from the
    first step of the video?

  19. Motherfckinghero says:

    @CheyenneTheBee That IS Penelope Cruz.

  20. f4keb00k says:

    Sorry, did you do the music aswell? Also, check out my channel I draw
    people and I have been struggling with hair but this really helped, thanks

  21. MetalOnTube says:


  22. malak210 says:

    cooooool this thing is awsome lo it

  23. samuridragon115 says:

    thank you foe making this video it helped me alot 🙂

  24. Imposing Cacti says:

    Lol! She looks like Rebecca Black!

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