HTML Tutorial 14 – Changing Page Background Color

HTML Tutorial 14 - Changing Page Background Color

In this tutorial, we talk about how to change a webpage’s background to either a different color or to an image, using two different attributes for the “body…
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8 responses to “HTML Tutorial 14 – Changing Page Background Color”

  1. IMRAN FARID says:

    Please, T need help!!!!
    I want to set my webpage’s background image from
    But even following the above tutorial, the webpage doesn’t display the
    Please tell me what I must do…

  2. squirtmph says:

    Thank you very much for you’re tutorial, I love it!
    Q1 How can i chose different .JPG?
    Q2 How can I do back and ford like you did on yure tutorial?
    Q3 How to Install HTML Email Signature for Microsoft Outlook 2010?

    thanks again for such fine post, and you’re response

  3. Robby Fallon says:

    dude thanks so much I have been looking for good html tutorials and finally
    I found you Jamie. nice work man

  4. Jibba Jabba says:

    Really helpful tutorial sir. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to discover
    more. Keep up the good work.

  5. adham mohamed says:

    ive been trying to find html tutorials thats good and now i find you your
    way awesome 

  6. adham mohamed says:

    thx for the video i am 12 years old and i finally find a video that has
    more details and more words 

  7. TechnicalCafe says:
  8. Noel Kleinbardt says:

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