HTML Tutorial 33 – HTML Login Form and CSS

HTML Tutorial 33 - HTML Login Form and CSS

Working with HTML Form Elements and also using CSS.
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13 responses to “HTML Tutorial 33 – HTML Login Form and CSS”

  1. topes.rule says:

    Please Continue Posting Videos! Very Helpfully!!!! 

  2. Andres Ramos says:

    Super nice set of tutorials. Good stuff amigo!

  3. manish agrawal says:


  4. Ethan Chu says:

    does it work

  5. Rob Monette says:

    Hi and thanks.

    Do you have a tutorial on how to make them functional?

    Thanks again

  6. ajtt123 says:

    is there a sorce code

  7. Luke Merriam says:

    I am using notepad and it puts Username: input Type=”Text” name=”Username”
    /> Password: input Type=”Password” name=”Pass” /> in text what do i do?

  8. afsgs efgsg says:

    so how do you link the login to ur next page while using username+password ?

  9. Raed Yusur says:

    how do you make a register form that can be actually used?

  10. ssby79 says:

    You have to save your file as an htm or html file in order to work with
    html tags. Are you seeing what you are typing in a web browser instead of
    seeing the form elements?

  11. Xx J A B Z xX says:

    panic :L

  12. Amir Boy says:

    can you set out the code here? 😉

  13. afsgs efgsg says:

    oke 😀 looking forward to it ( new to html ) and wanna know more about it.
    thanks alot and subbed

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