iMovie 11 – How to Add Music To Your Video!

iMovie 11 - How to Add Music To Your Video!

Please leave a like and subscribe for more helpful tutorials! Hopefully you enjoyed this fast and helpful tutorial on adding music over your video in iMovie …

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22 responses to “iMovie 11 – How to Add Music To Your Video!”

  1. BUTTER LORD says:

    LIAR!!! it won’t let me drag it to the moive !!!! it just go’s back to the

  2. Cod Killer says:

    Got a video downloading made by iMovie check It out soon guys …

  3. Ford.Car.Reviews says:

    I am running the newest iMovie software but I don’t have the option to have
    iTunes on it????????

  4. MrFoxit49 says:

    Thanks you’re awesome

  5. Lily P-N says:

    same here butter lord 

  6. Isabelle Do says:

    thank you! :)

  7. ajay ramesh says:

    Dude is iMovie for free on Apple Mac

  8. mkh says:

    Great tutorial. Thanks for making life easier!

  9. Wil Young says:

    thank u so much

  10. Teanu Anderson says:

    The begining scared the crap out of me!

  11. Brian Kercher says:

    Hi there, Any ideas why when I try to add audio on top of the movie it
    will not be accepted? When I drag it over the movie it doesnt go green
    like yours does. Please help

  12. Drew Wolf says:

    how do u add specific parts of a song in itunes on a mac?

  13. Zapp says:

    Huge help! Thank you!

  14. Narutske Umazachi says:


  15. Bilbo Magma says:

    very helpful

  16. Joshua Han says:

    look at all those icons on the desktop must have really long start up time
    on that mac! 

  17. wcollins44 says:

    thank you

  18. Santa Patton says:

    Thank you!!!!

  19. ajay ramesh says:

    Dude is iMovie for free on Apple Mac

  20. Yvonna Faust says:

    Everytime I put music on my video project, it has no sound no matter how
    many times I set the volume to 100%. Why is this happening? ._.

  21. Oakley Dallas Showroom says:

    Is there way to begin the song with the chorus of the song?

  22. Christ Breaker says:

    Yes,its works!Tnx:)

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