iMovie 11 – How to Add Music To Your Video!

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Video tutorial posted 07/02/15
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LIAR!!! it won’t let me drag it to the moive !!!! it just go’s back to the
Got a video downloading made by iMovie check It out soon guys …
I am running the newest iMovie software but I don’t have the option to have
iTunes on it????????
Thanks you’re awesome
same here butter lord
thank you! :)
Dude is iMovie for free on Apple Mac
Great tutorial. Thanks for making life easier!
thank u so much
The begining scared the crap out of me!
Hi there, Any ideas why when I try to add audio on top of the movie it
will not be accepted? When I drag it over the movie it doesnt go green
like yours does. Please help
how do u add specific parts of a song in itunes on a mac?
Huge help! Thank you!
very helpful
look at all those icons on the desktop must have really long start up time
on that mac!
thank you
Thank you!!!!
Dude is iMovie for free on Apple Mac
Everytime I put music on my video project, it has no sound no matter how
many times I set the volume to 100%. Why is this happening? ._.
Is there way to begin the song with the chorus of the song?
Yes,its works!Tnx:)