Photoshop: How to Design a Monogram LOGO of Interwoven Initials

Photoshop: How to Design a Monogram LOGO of Interwoven Initials

Photoshop CC tutorial showing how to design and create a powerful, monogram logo of interwoven initials and create a cool-looking background. Monogram rules …
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15 responses to “Photoshop: How to Design a Monogram LOGO of Interwoven Initials”

  1. Nathan Daniels says:

    What version/type of Photoshop is used in this tutorial?

  2. Carl Price says:

    The only thing I cant do here is the entwining of letters. Once I make the
    selection and press cmd H twice it doesnt hide the selection it changes
    screens on my mac ? any ideas please people.. otherwise so far this is

  3. Line carignan says:

    I have photoshop 12 will it work

  4. Omar Amer says:

    i cant let S over the G 

  5. Line carignan says:

    Thank you and Happy New Year

  6. Anna Aguilar says:

    Good day! I get stuck again at 12:50. It says: Could not use the pencil
    because the smart object is not directly editable. What should I do? Hope
    to hear from you as soon as possible. God bless!

  7. Barry Mamadou Mistaoul says:

    you are doing a good job congratulations Barry Belgium

  8. bshabosh says:

    Thanks to King

  9. Anna Aguilar says:

    Hi, i get stuck at 12:09. Can you please help me get through with it? ‘Been
    working on this out for 3 days. Thank you and God Bless!!!

  10. Adrian Willis says:

    You make typyography sexy Marty. Idk how to say his but imma say it, you
    should show us one of your most difficult projects and how you did it if
    you can. Just an idea

  11. Hishiko - says:

    ; nice, thankyou !

  12. Urboshy U says:

    Beautiful. Can we save the file in PNG format? 

  13. saydou kamara says:

    tres bien bien fait et avec une tres bonne explication merci

  14. Robert091254 says:

    Extremely well done! Thank you

  15. Preston House says:


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