WordPress Plugin development – Creating a WP plugin from scratch.

Wordpress Plugin development - Creating a WP plugin from scratch.

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16 responses to “WordPress Plugin development – Creating a WP plugin from scratch.”

  1. Shopify Developer says:

    Thanks buddy, Though you were not quite prepared while recording this video
    but it did the work .. I developed my first plugin. Now going to sell it.
    All credit goes to you.. Thanks..

  2. Rajesh W says:

    +Ronny Kibet This is really a one good tutorial…and bro how to make
    things work in the it in front end… can u show up a tutorial for that….

  3. wu yan says:

    nice tutorial..

    thx and god bless you and the world..

    a sincere blessing from hong kong…


  4. brian oliver says:

    Thorough and informative tutorial. Thanks for helping us create wordpress

  5. rocklives12 says:

    Hey there,
    Ive tried saving the php file into the folder and copy it into the plugins
    folder but when i get into wordpress i cant find it under the plugins menu.
    this is the path i copied it into:
    s there a special ftp editor i should be using i just used the file manager
    on my cpanel.
    maybe that’s where i went wrong??
    please help?

  6. prog man says:

    thank you man you are awsome you did a great job keep going 🙂 

  7. Davis Brown says:

    Thank you so much for this tutorial. Now, Creating a WP #plugin from
    scratch has become even more easier.I’m talking about a theme generating
    software #TemplateToaster . You can create your own plugins. Not only this
    here anyone can create #websites , #themes , #templates . Very easy to use
    .Other Good thing about this software is its compatibility with #bootstrap
    functionality and other Top #CMSs

  8. Jesse Steele says:


  9. Tejas - The WP Chef says:

    Awesome Tuts bro.

  10. Ed Halferty says:

    Dude. ob_start() is just what I was looking for. I knew I’d learn something
    from this. Thanks!

  11. Nivas Sri says:

    nice dude thanku 

  12. James Sabano says:

    Awesome, thanks for the great help

  13. Ashish Niroula says:

    I am confused how that articles are saved to database. Can you tell me
    which part is responsible for updating or inserting in database??

  14. Vitaliy Kolos says:

    Thanks a bunch. I totally like your vid and the following just crossed my
    mind. Would you mind putting links to each other’s videos because it seems
    to make perfect sense to our audiences.

  15. vanBossto says:

    Great tutorial… I am little bit confused now because of a global
    variable. If I would want output textarea from plugin to sidebar? How make

  16. ronsang90 says:

    Hey Abdullah, I guess the problem might your add_action(‘admin_menu’,
    ‘my_plugin_menu’); function my_plugin_menu() { add_options_page(‘My Plugin
    Options’, ‘My Plugin’, ‘manage_options’, ‘page_url_slug’,
    ‘plugin_page_content_callback’); } try that and lets see what happens.

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