5 – Introduction to Dreamweaver Tutorial (CS6)

Introduction to HTML – 2 In this video we’ll work in Dreamweaver CS6’s code view and introduce what Structural Tags are and how they are used to organize con…
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Video tutorial posted 15/03/15
Category: Dreamweaver Tutorials
Tags: Dreamweaver, Introduction, Tutorial

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you are the best teacher for explain how the DreamWaver work
actually i had no idea how the webpage works but after what i look i really
that is easy things >> thnx a lot<<
You are an EXCELLENT teacher. I am so glad I found your videos. I am
enjoying so much learning from you. The way you explain is so clear, and
enjoyable, there is no way to get lost. I bought a book to learn Dreamwever
CS6 God the writer is so confusing, i was about to quit, when i got lucky
and found your videos. Thank you so much for your amazing work I really
appreciate you toke the time to teach us. Wish you the best. You Rock!!!
I want to learn DreamWeaver CS6 not HTML
Really Good, Thank You!!!
you saved my life ! Have been troubling over this module but you save me
from all the worries ! thank you !!
Amazing teacher and very clear cut! All the time spent in class but never
realizing the simplicity of it. Wonderful
Just a quick question do you have tutorial for HTML5 and CSS3
awesome video
Very useful, very easy (and pleasurable) to follow, and very well
explained. Thank you very much, sir!
Thank you very much
really useful thank you!
Nice video. Very easy to follow. Great information, Thanks so much for
Just started, very usefull. u got +1 sub sir.
This helped me alot thx
When you make a
Amazingly useful video! Great work!
Very helpful! Thank you so much
I have no idea how you are doing it but you are unbelievably easy to
follow!!!! I have tried understanding other tutorials and there was non
that was anything like this. I can’t stop watching your videos, its like
watching “Prison break” episodes on Netflix lol. Good job man and God bless
you :-)
excellent, very,very well explained. Thank you!
this is so easy i am getting all your stuff . this is really good.
I simply love this guy. Most professional tutorials.