After Effects Tutorial – Episode 15: Element 3D – The Basics | by Techrodd

This tutorial is about the Element 3D plugin by Video Copilot. I’m explaining what is it, how to work with it and what it does and of course some extra tips. ————————————–…
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Video tutorial posted 25/03/15
Category: After Effects Tutorials

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i am getting open gl error
please tell me how to fix this error.. i love this pplugin but unable ti
use .. please help me out,, i searched for solution .. but couldnt find
out. please let me know
Hier schaut doch mal vorbei. Bin zwar noch nicht grade der beste aber meine
Kamera kam auch erst gestern:
Man of Steel #1 – After Effects [Ultra-HD 4K]
Finished first season! Thanks!
Hey I am ready to do one intro for you
thnks for ur help
i subbed
Does anyone want to create an introduction I can use for my videos? It
should feature the name ‘Muzza Fitness’. Send me a link and I will mention
the creator in my future videos. Thanks.
Why u stopped making videos about after effects?
I’m actually Dutch, and yes sometimes people have a hard time understanding
what I say in the video. That’s because i need to improvise everything i
say, and i have the urge to suddenly talk dutch, that’s why im talking so
fast, not articulated and saying a lot of “uh”. But I personally think it
has improved in the last few months. 🙂
I didn’t “stop”, I’m currently working on a big project. Season 1 ends here
since all the basics have been covered. i will go more advanced in season 2
coming in a few weeks
Okay thank you for you help i liked and subbed 😀
Sorry for the question, are you a native english speaker? At the beginning
I thought you were speaking german, that’s because I don’t speak english,
and I have to pay close attention to what you’re speaking! Don’t mind your
videos are great!
Sir, will you make a tutorial about Adobe photoshop from basic to advance?
I really like your work, from step by step procedure, quality of the
presentation, GREAT WORK!!! man..:)
No real difference except an increase in performance, some bug chances and
improvement for some effects. If you want it in detail, just search your
question on Google, you’ll find an answer in just 5 seconds.
I made the intro with After Effects CS6, obviously, First, you need to be
sure you can run After effects on your computer. I’ve explained everything
about how to check that in episode 1 There’s no major difference between
CS4 and CS6, only that CS4 is for older PCs and doesn’t has some features
that CS6 has.
Thx Bro , hmm . Do u think that there are alot of defrence between CS6 and
CS4? If yes i will format my pc and download CS6 xD hmm i’m wondering what
program u use to make that awesome thing in start of videos? movie maker??
Please Answer my Questions I’ll be so Happy 🙂
ayt hanks
where do you find your non-copyrighted music ?
Okay then thanks u helped me alot bro 🙂
thx and i found cinema 4D to
Yes, I have the same problem now. It’s because the file itself is a .wmv
file. I have no idea why this is happening but just convert that video file
to .mp4 using a conversion program