After Effects Tutorial – Episode 4: CC Particle World Effect! Create Rain and Sparks!

After Effects Tutorial - Episode 4: CC Particle World Effect! Create Rain and Sparks!

This is a tutorial on how to make use of the Particle World effect and how to create simple rain and sparks. And with that I give some useful tips and tricks…

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9 responses to “After Effects Tutorial – Episode 4: CC Particle World Effect! Create Rain and Sparks!”

  1. Le Corps Et l'Esprit says:

    Nice job ! Is it possible to synchronise with audio particles movement ?

  2. thebiancashows1 says:

    So I’m new to this where would you get the Cc particle fx?

  3. Roxioxx says:

    Thanks so much! I finally learned it rain! :D

  4. Amri Yusob says:

    tq!good tuts

  5. MIthu Kohali says:

    480 qulty worse recorder man chnage it 

  6. The Lantern says:

    i cant find optical flares in my ae. help me :(

  7. rajat singh says:

    i love ur channel ………keep going…

  8. djHolthusen says:

    Nice, but just wondering a thing, can you put the result of the tutorial in
    the end as a video or at the start so we can se how it looks like :)?

  9. Techrodd says:

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