Customizing WordPress #5 – The Loop Basics

Customizing WordPress #5 - The Loop Basics

The 5th video in the Customizing WordPress tutorial series. Here we explain the basics of the WordPress loop and we begin to understand how WordPress outputs its content. Subscribe to Level…
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5 responses to “Customizing WordPress #5 – The Loop Basics”

  1. MrRoeljanssen says:

    this wordpress series is gonna help me a lot for my internship 😀 I didn’t
    know you actually had THIS much control over everything in wordpress!

  2. jfudman says:

    And…..this is where you lose me. Darn php

  3. wu yan says:

    very nice tutorial..

    thx and god bless you and the world…

    a sincere blessing from hong kong..


  4. Sam Lindstrom says:

    Very helpful. Thanks!

  5. Benni S. says:

    You explained the move of the category wrong because there is a php tag
    that wraps the category list

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