Excel 2007 Tutorial 25: Q&A

Excel 2007 Tutorial 25:  Q&A

Excel 2007 Tutorial 25: Q&A. Replies and answers to previous comments and questions. Removing table formats, remove headers from tables, and removing passwords.
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11 responses to “Excel 2007 Tutorial 25: Q&A”

  1. 10minutetrain . says:

    You could use an IF statement. For example, if you were subtracting Cell H9
    from G9 and the result was negative, it would leave a 0, otherwise it gives
    the value Example code =IF(G9-H9<0, 0,G9-H9)

  2. Robert Burns says:

    How do I avoid a circular reference? I want to add A1 that I key in to what
    exists in B1 with the answer in B1 increasing by the amount in A1. i.e.
    keep a running total in B1.

  3. Zarin Alireza says:


  4. Rashmi Sharma says:

    rick You have been of a great help. keep posting such tutorials . you are
    helping millions across the globe

  5. Stephen Odiase says:

    Thanks Rick, I have watched all 25 videos, you sure are a nice teacher.
    Many thanks. I have a question, please how do you get a cell to return zero
    instead of a negative number?

  6. TheGeeseey says:

    thank you very much from UK

  7. ليث العامري says:


  8. faisal sheraz says:

    great man.ur videos are helpful. pakistan zindabad

  9. zighag says:

    Awesome! Excellent Teacher!

  10. micelamicela says:

    How to make in column A that all students starts with big letter? Either
    some particular letter? 🙂

  11. meonly says:

    From saudi arabia, thank you

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