How to speed up / slow down footage in After Effects!

How to speed up / slow down footage in After Effects!

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22 responses to “How to speed up / slow down footage in After Effects!”

  1. Zach Hollett says:

    Thanks for the tutorial. But, what if I don’t know the duration I want?
    As an example: I have a 9 minute video, and I have sped up portions of it.
    Once I render it out, its still 9 minutes. (The scenario is that I picked
    the middle 4 minutes and sped them up by 200%, effectively making the
    middle 4 minutes only be 2 minutes long, so the whole video should now be 7
    minutes long, instead of its original 9 minute length) How would I speed up
    parts of a video, and have it reduce the overall length of the video by the
    amount I have sped up the parts?
    Thanks :)

  2. toinette Eller says:

    thanks for the tutorial!!! great help :D

  3. Desi E says:

    1:30 tutorial start.

  4. MattieCooper says:

    Thank you!

  5. Levi Wells says:

    thanks- but you talk way to much 

  6. DeshDesigns - Intros says:

    Ballz To The Wallz

  7. Christian Williams-giroux says:

    How do you record your screen with what? 

  8. DrHarse says:

    WoW Win 8 has it hardcore to learn

  9. FuZionSniperzZ says:

    thanks for the tutorial bro, and could you make me an intro like your? With
    the blury thing and text at the end, cause im kinda new to intros and dont
    know how to do it, ill put you as a feature channel and ive already
    subscribed to you!

  10. SkaterzFX says:

    yes Alex is a great name

  11. coffeegiraffe says:


  12. JONminiminiME says:

    “Firstly I apologise for my inactivity blah blah blah” I didn’t even know
    you were active, just get to the point. And the blue on your font is

  13. itsfluffie says:

    after effects doesnt work like that it isnt an editing software

  14. ThatTuneGuy says:

    What font is the HQHD in your wallpaper?

  15. MyLife Yo says:

    use keyframes!?

  16. Slowmo Muffin says:

    split it…. make it 2 seperate clips…

  17. FlashRated says:

    split the video so that the part you want slowed down is a different
    layer/clip now and you can then mess around with the keyframes, to split
    press CTRL+SHIFT+D

  18. Derrick Spencer says:


  19. Akrin says:

    I NEED HELP!?!?!? ANYONE!?!? I’m trying to speed up my speed arts… I CANT
    FIGURE IT OUT!!! I do exactly everything you do, but it cuts my speed art
    in half… HELP!! PLEASE!?!?!?

  20. TheShadowedViper NEW CHANNEL NO LONGER ACTIVE HERE!! says:

    hey guys, I wanted to speed up then slow down for example, speed it up at
    1:45 and then slow it down at 4:52 anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

  21. ChaoZzLe says:

    Why aaaallll jung guys on youtube select randomly nothing on desktop while
    they explain something?

  22. ZUPERCURTIS says:

    Helpful video mate, thank you.

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