How to Video – Beginning Editing with iMovie on the iPhone 5s

How to Video - Beginning Editing with iMovie on the iPhone 5s

Create your own amazing videos on the road, you can shoot, edit and upload to YouTube with your iPhone and iMovie. It takes less time and you can create prof…
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8 responses to “How to Video – Beginning Editing with iMovie on the iPhone 5s”

  1. dmac232000 says:

    This video was excellent! Thank you! I’m new to Iphone period. I recently
    bought the 5s and I was really excited to see that it came with so many
    cool apps, especially the imovie app, but when I tried it out I was
    discouraged and confused as to how to use it.All I wanted to do was cut out
    a scene. This Video really helped me! 

  2. Miguel Tapia says:

    I sign in and then click done and it signs me out for some reason.. 🙁 

  3. Lukeymy 111 says:

    this helped me so much now i can edit videos on imovie 

  4. Junejumper says:

    Hi , can you help me with something?
    I’ve seen people do something where they make three videos and emerge it
    into 1 e.g l1l2l3l
    This is a little confusing but please help I want to do it on my iPad
    Thank you

  5. Elena_marie_99 says:

    how did you do that thing with the iPhone where you are doing everything on
    the phone but the fake iPhone that is up close that is showing us I want to
    know how to do that. what did you edit to do that?

  6. Mekhi Clay says:

    +Howard Hale where did you get the iPhone tripod and how much did it cost

  7. Aditi Karki says:

    Thank you

  8. nateplaya88 says:

    Can you please do an in-depth one with music and video editing combined.
    Very helpful thank you

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