Illustrator Tutorial: Vector Inking – Line Tool, Width Tool, Stroke Options & Pathfinder

Illustrator Tutorial: Vector Inking - Line Tool, Width Tool, Stroke Options & Pathfinder

This Adobe Illustrator tutorial will go over basic “inking” techniques using the pen tool, width tool, pathfinder dialog box and stroke settings & techniques. Using Adobe Illustrator CS6 …
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23 responses to “Illustrator Tutorial: Vector Inking – Line Tool, Width Tool, Stroke Options & Pathfinder”

  1. Jasen Fisher says:

    Thanks. I really needed to learn how to do this

  2. Childprodigy28 says:

    how do you keep the (profile) brush permanent on the stroke option, for use
    with out changing it every time?

  3. Antonia Holden says:

    Wow, this helped a lot! Thanks so much for this information! I will
    practice using the pen tool. That was one of the issues I had with it, not
    being able to change direction without the line doing something weird. I
    know how to fix it now! ^_^

  4. Rafael Cintra says:

    Nice one, well explained, thank u!!

  5. glennevangelista says:

    Thanks! Simple and Clear tutorial. Subscribed!

  6. Nikki Fernandez says:

    Great video. I’ve got very detailed line work and I want to make it vector
    to make look clean. I’ll be sure to try these techniques. Thanks for the

  7. Shaka Plays says:

    Wow, great help, thank you. 

  8. Cody Ford says:

    Good stuff! Thanks!

  9. Agentc0re says:

    I’m not an artist, can’t draw or anything like that. However i’ve always
    been fascinated with how you guys do your artwork digitally. Makes me wish
    that I could draw because of my interest in the digital side of it.

  10. Jordyn Maultsby says:

    I found the web video off to the side a little helpfull for my adhd. ha
    which im sure a lot of artists have. I think if you taggled between it it
    would better. so like when you are actually showing us something on the
    illustrator screen, toggle it off. but when your just talking and
    explaining something a little more indepth toggle it on. so i guess when
    you naturally look at the camera, toggle it on. when you look away to your
    own computer screen to work, toggle it off. Thanks for the help!

  11. Jason Rouleau says:

    Had to leave a comment when I heard you say you dont use a mac to often.
    Yaaaahhhhh pc all the way!

  12. John Kaiser says:

    I’ve seen every one of your videos at least once, but I find that I keep
    going back to your tutorials to squeeze just a little more out of them 

  13. Chris Brennan says:

    I’ve watched lot of videos on inking and you’re the first to mention the
    preset profile option. Thank you! 

  14. Joanne A says:

    thanks this was so helpful so easy to follow and understand.

  15. Miriam Morales says:

    I just love your tutorials! Very clear and easy to follow. I’m a beginner
    and I’m learning a lot with your material. I watch your videos over and
    over, and have been able to reproduce stuff really well. This video has
    been particularly useful to me. I really appreciate your work and enjoy
    your videos inmensely. Thank you very much! Keep up the good work.

  16. Victoria well says:

    So helpful! Thank you

  17. Th3ProAssassin says:

    you deserve more subs!

  18. kenney black says:

    great tutorial.. thanks man!

  19. Patrik _ says:

    Very good video… Sir, you can tape yourself in 4:3 format.. It doesn’t
    have to be 16:9.. We’ll see your face and also have more space to see on
    you work area, just a little detail .. Keep doing this stuff

  20. Mike Pacheco says:

    Your a god send!

  21. Lambchovies says:

    Do a video on the best way to fill and shade illustrations like this one
    once the linework is done

  22. Eileen Noble says:

    really like your vids well constructed easy to follow and you do not waffle
    like some others do

  23. The Elf King says:

    your art is awsome plz can you make some for me im a youtuber i need your
    help to get started plz give a shout out to me

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