iMovie Tutorial | How to take a ScreenShot in iMovie

iMovie Tutorial | How to take a ScreenShot in iMovie

Very easy and useful tip to be used in iMovie! thanks to Im Too PhaT for showing me this!!
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23 responses to “iMovie Tutorial | How to take a ScreenShot in iMovie”

  1. Zazie Dans Le Metro says:


  2. Eskay Beauty says:

    anyone know how to do this on the latest version?

  3. Sam Anning says:


  4. Maxime Garnier says:

    Simple but Useful !! Thanks

  5. camchako1 says:

    No “reveal in finder” in version 9.0.9. Anyone have a workaround? I can
    make the still but haven’t been able to export it out of iMovie.

  6. sparklebarbie11 says:

    omygosh thank you sooooo much like im not even kidding i owe you sooo much
    omg thanks youuuu !!!!

  7. erikvg89 says:

    This video is the best

  8. skuloop says:

    mac only!

  9. hannahevilangel says:


  10. roger loughney says:

    @perthscoot did anyone ever help you with this?

  11. gleekdino says:

    you’re a life saver!! thanks 🙂

  12. George Ritchie says:

    Cheers worked for me on my new Macbook Pro 13.1

  13. Nina Style says:


  14. Emilie Fruin says:

    Iloveyou so much dude.. your awsome. just jumped a 3’9″ jump today and
    didnt get a pic only a video and i totaly wanted the picture your awsome

  15. FXTheatre says:

    @marygoroundhorses haha thanks for the offer 😉 but im glad i could help! 🙂

  16. Lina Chang says:

    but the problem is, my video is a split screen ): so whenever I try to do
    the freeze frame, it only freezes the other side of the video (because it’s
    split screen) while the other video keeps moving. ):

  17. Lina Chang says:

    how come the reveal in finder does not come out for me when I take the
    freeze frame of the video???

  18. Timothy Panopoulos says:

    simple fix for the new ones shift + command + 3 in fullscreen view 🙂

  19. Sundevilsrule1 says:

    i dont have reveal in finder

  20. adam collier-woods says:

    dude.. there is no save to finder on the last right hand click.. help!!

  21. Robert Noche says:

    This video is outdated. This doesnt work anymore. Like up so people who see
    this will know.

  22. ChelmsfordBMX says:

    how do you get that intro

  23. marygoroundhorses says:

    I could KISS you right now! Like someone else said, I was about to RIP my
    hair out! I can usually find the movement of a horse I want going through a
    video and making a still…. so THANK YOU!

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