iMovie Tutorial – Slow Motion

iMovie Tutorial - Slow Motion

Video Tutorial on how to use Slow Motion in iMovie. Twitter: Facebook: Website:
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5 responses to “iMovie Tutorial – Slow Motion”

  1. ViciousPb says:

    He could of used his iPhone 4s or 5s to do this. I doubt he used a GoPro
    because of the non-wide angle view. If you notice how choppy it is even
    when he shot at 120fps. This is because he slowed it down too much without
    any other programs making “fake” frames in between the real frames to
    replicate realtime movement. This requires more expensive software. But if
    you are on a budget this might be the best you can get with your money.

  2. SBMV Edits says:

    How do you make your intro?

  3. Thelepricaun mugger says:

    will slow motion work if it is filmed on an iPhone

  4. seemore dick says:

    how do you make it really smooth?

  5. HamaDDisco says:

    How to increase the fraps like the slow mo guys

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