Landscape Photography Editing Tutorial – Photoshop CS6

Landscape Photography Editing Tutorial - Photoshop CS6 One of the biggest challenges with Landscape photography is that the sun creates intense differences between highlights and shadows. By Shooting in RAW, and with a…

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5 responses to “Landscape Photography Editing Tutorial – Photoshop CS6”

  1. Alexandre Gatineau says:

    At the end of the video, you should show the image before/after 😉 Good vid

  2. primalarcher says:

    That’s pretty cool. I do mainly video editing but I am going to send a link
    to this video to friend of mine that is just starting to learn Photoshop.


    Man! that’s awesome! I have Corel Paintshop Pro x4 and that thing has
    kicked my butt. I have messed around on that for months and it seems
    complicated as you know what. Nothing like my Video editing soft ware, I
    can’t for the life of me figure out how to use it. Your video has helped
    some what in how to correct those landscape photo’s that I take a lot of.
    Sweet Tutorial, Thanks, Joe

  4. DIY Sportsman says:
  5. Chad Adams says:

    Thanks for the replies. I’m actually looking at a canon vixia hf g20 now.
    Would like the G30 but can’t justify the extra $500. Just to many concerns
    with the JVC that I asked you about before. I’ve got a couple videos that
    was just me FIRST getting into filming with a cheap camera last couple
    years. Not knowing what I was doing at all. These videos did help me learn
    how much I enjoyed taking video and even more I really enjoy the editing
    process. If I can actually get some good equipment and learn how to use it
    then I could see this turning into a true passion. My other YouTube channel
    is The Fever. You can watch the video “the quest for the hulk”
    Look forward to your future videos and hopefully speaking with you in the

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