Split Personality – Hemlock Grove after effects tutorial

Split Personality - Hemlock Grove after effects tutorial

Check out the banner ad on Netflix for Hemlock grove, its pretty cool. this after effects tutorial, although a bit longer than my usual, will take you through the process of recreating it…
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21 responses to “Split Personality – Hemlock Grove after effects tutorial”

  1. ProfessorSimpleton says:

    Tutorials w/ Mikey WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US THIS BEFORE!!

  2. DaSchmucks says:

    Hi mikey, i made my version thanks to your great tutorial. Thanks for the

  3. Painters Punsch says:

    Top Tuto Mikey! Thank You.

  4. Jonathan Holeton says:

    cool, the conference is on my bday = ) that compositing option is sweet,
    had no idea about it, thanx for telling us about it Mikey! love this
    effect, makes want to watch that show, looks interesting.

  5. Aug Dani says:

    Hello. I have a small spot of shade. I have after effects CS5 and I would
    like moca it. How can I do. Thank you to help me please …. I’m a fan of
    your tutorials … I am French director and I’m on a big cinema project (A
    movie full of action) and I’d like you help me to bring this project to the
    end. Well thank you to answer me … projetawa@gmail.com/
    http://www.projet-awa.jimdo.com / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z5UOZSQGbo /
    https://www.youtube.com / watch? v = n19MfUfUVj0

  6. Bishal Gautam says:

    For the Glitch and noise type of thing basic techniques and that’s awesome.
    Beginners can learn this and can apply this in their basic and even
    advanced projects. NICE…

  7. Mikhail Rahman says:

    Im disgustingly disappointed..

  8. McLovin McLovin says:

    How long have you been doing morphine?

  9. rocker says:

    It looks that like matrix when they would change into different people

  10. Brent Davis says:

    Congratulations on being a speaker at AE World! I’m going to try to get my
    job to foot (at least part of) the bill but if not I’ll just come out of
    pocket for it. I look forward to hearing you and all of the other big names

  11. Abdessalem Boukil says:

    Is eran stern who was talking in the first of the video ?

  12. Emanuel Pona says:

    man these are awesome !

  13. Alhaji Bah says:

    +After Effects Tutorials w/ Mikey Is this effect possible to do while a
    person is walking or from different angle? And great tutorial by the way.

  14. After Effects Tutorials w/ Mikey says:

    create a split personality with after effects (inspired by Hemlock Grove)

  15. Исскуство монтажа says:

    Hey Dude! Where yours footage from this video? How can to use and teach
    your lesson? Please add footage with that guy/ Thanks

  16. Nassim Khouader says:

    great stuff and the the coulour..

  17. Mokhamad Oky says:

    after I saw this video I realize that the after effect control in general
    didn’t different with photoshop I used to.

    thanks for this video, awesome stuff, keep the video coming..

  18. encha smiley says:

    Wow awesome..hey do you know how to make an effects like “until it’s gone”-
    from Linkin Park video? 

  19. Sam Shea says:

    Congrats on the conference, Mikey rules

  20. AcAnimate says:

    I was actually discussing that exact banner with a friend yesterday.. on
    how to create it in AE, we came up with a method much like this :p

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