Terrain modeling in 3DS Max

Terrain modeling in 3DS Max

This tutorial is brought to you by Six-Sixty6 Guides. This tutorial will show you an easy way to make terrain in 3DS Max, that can then be imported into a game engine. Our new website is…
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22 responses to “Terrain modeling in 3DS Max”

  1. Asa Skinner says:

    Great tutorial – simple but powerful tool!

  2. Simpley Si says:

    Very helpful indeed, much appreciation buddy.

  3. element1988 says:

    @nem2010 lol yeah except they redid this video and added a second part on
    there other channel..which kinda makes this video redundant.

  4. Young Zealous says:

    thank you degoroth ..

  5. Cartavieja says:

    Nice! Straight to the point.

  6. fana406 says:

    hey thanks for your great simplistic help!!!!!!!

  7. Anzh Castillo says:


  8. davidshoey says:

    @nem2010 Wow dude just stfu its not blocking Anything

  9. gtapennerbigcity says:

    thx very good tut

  10. M-D-G-M says:

    ty helped me with my uni work

  11. illu says:

    Hey, do you know if i can change the Layout to something like Cinema 4d
    default layout?

  12. madkillerabdo says:

    sweet! Now what I need is a height map

  13. PJ says:

    Subscribed :] Really good, simple, fast and has great potential if the
    right UV mapping is applied!

  14. rebootyourmind says:

    sorry for posting twice.. can u make an tutorial how to create houses or
    something like that on a terrain? caus i wanna use 3ds max ONLY for mapping

  15. TheChrisRob says:


  16. Tom Verling says:

    I was wondering do you know in 3ds max how to make a series of objects
    (houses) follow a curved plane similar to what you have made? I have a
    terrain that isnt flat, with a pile of houses already extruded which I did
    on a flat plane and now I want to sit those houses on the curved
    plane/terrain….any halp would be great!!

  17. rebootyourmind says:

    nice dude! thanks a lot =)

  18. ManservantPablo says:

    Hey thanks for this tutorial man, saved me alot of time. Cheers!

  19. patcher86 says:

    nice vid mate thanx

  20. nem2010 says:

    Why do all you geek assholes plaster some stupid message over a significant
    part of the view of a tutorial video. Put it in a single line at the top or

  21. The3Cdevilsoldier says:

    and how to make that kind of , black and white image ?

  22. izvarzone says:

    Triangular polygons work better than quadratic for terrain, that’s how
    terrain made in most games.

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