Turn a 3D render into a Promo Image (Photoshop Tutorial)

Turn a 3D render into a Promo Image (Photoshop Tutorial)

Download the reference files: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/a086c0bdcff048a9810ab6a00b033d33 Relevant links: Creator Resources on Newgrounds …

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16 responses to “Turn a 3D render into a Promo Image (Photoshop Tutorial)”

  1. Eric Stevenson says:

    More like a livestream!

  2. Pato Strno says:

    Can i ask?Which programme did you use to make that 3d render image? Zbrush,
    Maya, SFM? can you tell it which?

  3. cantplayguitar says:

    he is using a tablet not a mouse 😐 thanks for the tutorial Jazza

  4. Draw with Jazza says:
  5. Gteesma says:

    dafuq.. I thought its only 3 mins and 41 sec.. oh well..

  6. Iceey says:

    How do you make a layer ‘clipped’???

  7. Deathasblood says:

    does he have a tutorial specifically for Rim lighting?

  8. KubsonThebest Zapk says:

    Привет всем!!!!

  9. Puper Wuper says:

    next tutorial, how to make a 3d render, lol

  10. Draw with Jazza says:

    Sure do! /watch?v=XVo5IcY9Mbo

  11. Sagie Z says:

    what is the diffrence with “opacity” and “fill” ?

  12. XiLoPlay says:

    what programs and equipment do you use?

  13. Skorpyotnt says:

    This music is great for that video. Good job!

  14. Gteesma says:

    everyone can…

  15. PumpkingSmasher says:

    cant believe you draw and paint that good using a mouse

  16. Andrew Heather says:

    Jazza, mate. Just wanted to thank you very much for these tutorials. It’s
    great to see how another artist approaches things I do a little differently
    and often learn entirely new tricks. Keep up the good work!

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