XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 30 – Styling Using Classes

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Video tutorial posted 06/03/15
Category: CSS Tutorials

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A few years late, but here is your medal for 30 episodes.
| 30! |
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very awesome tutorial!! really loved it! Thanks a lot Bucky
don’t use black and white text ! that is racist
extremely useful
Quick question folks. What is the difference between using classes as shown
in this video and using “id” such as
then adding the ID in the styling using #’secondpara {} ???? They deliver
the same purpose or is it different?
Thank you once more Bucky !
Hey Bucky, couldn’t you also just userandom text and other and in style use (example)
random text
and it would be fine?
Why is this http://teamtreehouse.com/features ad comes during Bucky’s
videos.. Funny. Thanks Bucky.
Isn’t span much simpler to use?
what about yellow and black, is that racist?
Why do I only get one color?
Both codes works OK, as long as there is one line to be colored. But when I
add both lines, like in the video, the program only add color to the butum
i think green was Jaguar.
i got distracted by your distraction xD
I know that feel
To gods ears…
dont know why but it doesn’t work for me