XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 30 – Styling Using Classes

XHTML and CSS Tutorial - 30 - Styling Using Classes

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15 responses to “XHTML and CSS Tutorial – 30 – Styling Using Classes”

  1. jujuandjesus says:

    A few years late, but here is your medal for 30 episodes.
    | 30! |
    / /
    / /

  2. Aashish Kandel says:

    very awesome tutorial!! really loved it! Thanks a lot Bucky

  3. richard zheng says:

    don’t use black and white text ! that is racist

  4. Irakli Khakhviashvili says:

    extremely useful

  5. Shoaib Shafiq says:

    Quick question folks. What is the difference between using classes as shown
    in this video and using “id” such as


    then adding the ID in the styling using #’secondpara {} ???? They deliver
    the same purpose or is it different? 

  6. Lefterhs15 says:

    Thank you once more Bucky !

  7. Ric Donati says:

    Hey Bucky, couldn’t you also just use random text and other
    random text
    and in style use (example)
    and it would be fine?

  8. Naveen Krishna says:

    Why is this http://teamtreehouse.com/features ad comes during Bucky’s
    videos.. Funny. Thanks Bucky.

  9. dave push says:

    Isn’t span much simpler to use?

  10. [GM]Kami says:

    what about yellow and black, is that racist?

  11. Marianne Holst says:

    Why do I only get one color?
    Both codes works OK, as long as there is one line to be colored. But when I
    add both lines, like in the video, the program only add color to the butum

  12. a severedhead says:

    i think green was Jaguar.

    i got distracted by your distraction xD

  13. Diego Herrera says:

    I know that feel

  14. lightmanfilms says:

    To gods ears…

  15. Minh Nhat says:

    dont know why but it doesn’t work for me

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