Create a DVD Through iDVD and iMovie 10.0.2 | Tutorial 36

Create a DVD Through iDVD and iMovie 10.0.2 | Tutorial 36

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19 responses to “Create a DVD Through iDVD and iMovie 10.0.2 | Tutorial 36”

  1. Polar Rima says:

    hey man when i burn dvd it takes a good acceptable time but when it goes
    down to 1 minute it just stops there then the dvd ejects but its still
    blank? any reason why?

  2. Steven Revell M. says:

    what do you do when your project is 1and a half hour long or longer

  3. Anthony Francisco says:

    i followed the tutorial and just a question for the loop thing on the main
    menu I’m trying to cut out the very beginning of it how do i do that?

  4. Mohamed Hassan says:

    How do you break up your movie into chapters?

  5. Julio Enriello says:

    Did you catch the train??? I understood the process because I had
    experience with iMovie, try not to move your mouse everywhere when you are
    teaching, it is not only your problem, I have seen it many times for people
    that are trying to teach something, move it to where you want it to be
    only, other wise gets confusing

  6. Diego Fernando Agudelo Alzate says:

    muchas gracias parcero, genial

  7. Kelsie NeeSmith says:

    Awesome. I was able to easily follow along and create my DVD perfectly
    following your steps.

  8. Pauli R. says:

    Thank you soooooo much! This really helped!

  9. Besafe Admin says:

    whats the bitrate for burning dvd? and is this idvd suit for burning 45mins
    to an hr project?
    PLease advice

  10. Fabio Ribeiro says:

    Thank you! Really helped me!

  11. fender44 says:


  12. Nazim ABDUL-LATIF says:

    Will this play on a regular tv dvd?

  13. karenpalazzi says:

    This video was extremely helpful….thanks so much!

  14. tawalanki says:

    Many thanks, that is exactly what I needed to know!

  15. racsito39 says:

    Is good to keep old Mac cds, got iLife suite back on snow leopard days :)

  16. cavanfan says:

    the problem is iDVD is no longer available so this tutorial is now useless
    unless you have an old mac

  17. Brad Gelfond says:

    Hi, I followed the instructions as per the tutorial, but for some reason,
    my movie didn’t transfer. I got a triangle with an exclamation point in
    it. When I click on it, I gave some chain links that are broken, so I
    think that there’s something wrong with the file. Any suggestions?

  18. Fran Weaver says:

    Hi, I found this video really informative and easy to follow. I was just
    wondering if the end DVD could be played on a PC or a TV. I work in a
    Special Needs School and a member of staff who has worked here for 30 years
    will be leaving soon. I have recorded a video for him using my iPad but am
    now worrying as I don’t know if he has a PC or iMac at home.

  19. outofsense says:

    Thanks for your tutorials! I have a question. Since chapter markers aren´t
    available in 10.0.4, what shall I do if I want to flip between songs on a
    home made dvd concert? I have iMovie and iDVD. Help would be much

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