eBay HTML Listing Template Tutorial – How to Use eBay Templates

eBay HTML Listing Template Tutorial -  How to Use eBay Templates

Free Listing Templates: https://wholesale-help.leadpages.net/ebay-templates/ Image Shack: http://imageshack.com/ Remove The Background: http://wholesale-help.com/rtb In this tutorial…

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20 responses to “eBay HTML Listing Template Tutorial – How to Use eBay Templates”

  1. Wholesale-Help.com says:

    I hope you enjoy the video guys..

  2. grey says:

    Just subscribed and also downloaded your templates. No problem. I really
    appreciate the time you’ve taken to make these files available and your
    willingness to share. Thank you very much.
    Just hoping Canadian eBay accepts them. **chuckle**

  3. NadsGaming says:

    im on a mac, and the pictures wouldn’t copy across 

  4. Edward Ketchens says:

    I really like to thank you so much for thr information you are providing. I
    study your youtube videos as if Im in a classroom in college.lol Im just
    starting out and using some of your thifting selling ideas. Do you think
    its still a good business to do currently?

  5. maricarmen flores says:

    Thanks for this Video is really great and useful, I finished and subscribed
    to you channel. just good.

    best regards.

  6. Bojan Lazic says:

    Hi Rodney,

    i´ve yet registerd your silver membership. I´m little confused, my
    assumption was that I get the link within the members area with the samples
    which are shown in your video, but i didn´t find it. Could you please
    provide me the samples via email or PM 🙂 kindly regards from Germany,
    Bojan Lazic

  7. Donna Tyndall says:

    Hi, I have downloaded the templates but when I right click I only have an
    option to “Open” not “Open with” so I can’t get the html code into
    Notepad…am I doing something wrong? Thank you

  8. TheTimeCapturer says:

    I always edited the html and used preview listing. I had no idea I could
    use the standard view to edit the html content. Thank you so much for your

  9. Christine O'Leary says:

    This is very helpful! I’m having trouble figuring out how to save my
    template so the next time I create a listing it’s using it. How do you do

  10. 01Woof says:

    very nice,thanks

  11. Jacqueline Coleman says:

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Very much appreciated!

  12. Chung Cuc says:

    Thanks for your templates and video. They look useful.

    Regarding the images I do things a bit different. I upload my images to
    ebay while adding a row of a single number where I want the image to go in
    the description and then complete the listing. (Since your template has
    image place holders adding the row of a single number is not needed).

    After listing completed I revise the listing by middle clicking the revise
    link to open in a new window. I then copy & paste some pre img html where
    that single row of the same number is.

    Go back to the first completed listing page right click image and copy
    image location then paste in img html. Voila.

    It may seem confusing but it’s not once you get the hang of it and you
    don’t have to host your description images anywhere else.

  13. Rodney Robbins says:

    The confirmation link is the one that I am not receiving.

  14. aorticmonkey says:

    no confirmation e-mail sent?


    hi, i need to upload 1000’s of listing i want to use a spreadsheet to do
    that then how i do that to have the picture and description at the right
    place in your template? do you have a tutorial for it? 

  16. James Salvatore says:
  17. Sade B says:

    thank you!

  18. JL Muriel says:

    Great tool. Thank you brother.

  19. Nikki M says:

    Thanks you! So very helpful!!

  20. Antony Moshoudis says:

    Andy, great tutorial,thanks. Downloaded templates and followed your
    instructions but unfortunately the colored header bars with headings do not
    appear when loaded into Ebay Turbo Lister. The rest of the text appears

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