How to use iMovie HD (TUTORIAL)

How to use iMovie HD (TUTORIAL)

A short video on how to use iMovie HD. This software is only available for mac users, for editing videos. Enjoy. GameBot78.

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23 responses to “How to use iMovie HD (TUTORIAL)”

  1. Aleksey Yaremenko says:

    That’s just I wanted to know, thank you!

  2. Trixter PC says:

    Mine isnt working its saying my video cant be imported!

  3. The Dare Games says:

    How do you upload it to youtube..

  4. The Dare Games says:

    Does it go to youtube when you upload it?

  5. Kyle del Rosario says:

    What is the apple button?

  6. outerrealm says:

    I don’t know if the same commercial runs every time, but if it does who the
    f*** wants to hear about Romney after he lost and is out of the picture?
    He’s a s***head. A loser.

  7. David Griffiths says:

    a bit dated now.

  8. TomOwnge says:

    What Program do you use to record your Screen????

  9. Kaun Balo says:

    Thank you so much it was a real refresher i had forgot allot

  10. CRYOmine says:

    smooth right!! nah.

  11. GameBot78 says:

    @parth117 yes

  12. TheClone300 says:

    gamebot i need a help with the titles

  13. GameBot78 says:

    @1stMrSceptical well… thats what you think… and your user name suggests
    that you always think like that..

  14. GameBot78 says:

    <3 Your weclome bro! :)

  15. TheMrFeebo says:

    how do you crop the display area

  16. DancePrincessFantage says:

    @GameBot78 omg dude ik that T.T Ik that alt, option, and control button T.T

  17. ya Mum says:

    How do you cut videos??

  18. farmdominium says:

    Just got am iphone 4s, and waiting on my swivl automatic camera-man, but i
    have this old OS X 10.4.11 G5 thi am thinking to use to edit, but i am new
    to this, so you have been my first editing teacher, and i thank you. you
    are a little quick, and i am a little slow, but i learned something. cheers.

  19. GameBot78 says:

    Cheers man! 🙂

  20. Jamie Brown says:

    @GameBot78 i do have ilife the newest version

  21. TomOwnge says:

    What Program do you use to record you screen???

  22. 321noone says:

    good job yar. I’m meant to be tutoring students on how to use this
    software..guess what I’ma be directing them to your vid to learn how to use
    the iMovie software 😀 cheers bud.

  23. NAUIdragster001 says:

    This comes with the mac right?

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