How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop – Video Tutorial

How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop - Video Tutorial

How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop instead of the healing brush. By Yanik’s Photo School.
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13 responses to “How to Use the Patch Tool in Photoshop – Video Tutorial”

  1. Minia Karrina says:

    Marvelous !!!!

  2. Shalom94 says:

    Thank you so much. Most helpful one I have found!

  3. Scottie B says:

    I wish you’d have said “lets get right to it” right at the beginning
    instead of a minute in but thanks… I used to use the healing brush to get
    rid of eye lines but this is a little quicker and maybe even more accurate.
    Also thanks for making a duplicate and bringing back some details. That’s
    the way to do it unless we’re creating aliens.

  4. ManofgoD says:

    Very Helpful…

  5. PapeBlaSit says:

    Can you please tell me (video post or answering textually) how to remove
    letters and stuff that are OVER a model or whatever there is in a magazine
    cover?..Basically, what’s the most accurate technique so that i don’t have
    to spend too much time and that the final result looks neat?

  6. 0612644 says:

    plz do some makeover tutorials. thanks

  7. Miguel Roca says:


  8. deadcell1 says:

    When you create a new layer and selected the patch tool on that layer it
    sees it as a blank sheet of paper that is why its saying that. You have to
    copy the image background layer and paste it on the new layer then PS will
    see that the layer now has something on it.

  9. 0612644 says:

    thank you.

  10. Miguel Roca says:

    thanks very nice , I need you to do more Tutorial simple N nice

  11. NuminousChild says:

    i don’t know but for me it won’t change the effect. what am i doing wrong?

  12. Bogdan Raducanu says:

    @NuminousChild: Look if the “Transparent” box in the tool’s properties is
    checked. If it’s checked, uncheck it. That should do it.

  13. Mahboob Siddiqui says:

    Very nice work dear. Thanks for this tutorial.

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