HTML Tutorial 13 – Definition Lists

HTML Tutorial 13 - Definition Lists

This video, like the two previous HTML tutorial videos, explains what definition lists are and how they can be used, as well as how to create them in HTML. Definition lists are different from…
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4 responses to “HTML Tutorial 13 – Definition Lists”

  1. BR CityRebel says:

    I geus it stands for Defenition Type (DT) and Defenition Data (DD).. Who
    care =/ Anyway thanks for the Vid’s I learned a lot from those 😉

  2. TechnicalCafe says:

    Hey, Andrew! Sorry for the late reply! At the moment, we currently don’t
    have a tutorial on using letters instead of ordered, unordered, or
    definition lists, but I suppose it would be possible to use a definition
    list and just include letters as the list “markers” and the content as the
    definition. A quick Google search might also help; I would do one and post
    relavent links here, but unfortunately, links aren’t allowed in comments.
    Please feel free to message me for more info, though!

  3. TechnicalCafe says:

    Thank you for the information, Kah Yuew! I appreciate you taking the time
    to tell us! I’m glad that you found this videos helpful and if you ever
    have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
    Thank you for watching! – Jamie

  4. Andrew Bryce says:

    Hi Jamie, do you have a tutorial on lists using letters instead of ordered,
    unordered or definition as a) I would like to know b) I think it would help
    nesting c) …. d) thanks Andy

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