PHP Contact Form and Form Validation | Dreamweaver Tutorial – 2 of 2

PHP Contact Form and Form Validation | Dreamweaver Tutorial - 2 of 2

Host Unlimited Websites for .88 Per Month with Powweb Part 2 of the Contact Form and Validation Dreamweaver Tutorial by James @ http://www.dreamweavertutori.

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16 responses to “PHP Contact Form and Form Validation | Dreamweaver Tutorial – 2 of 2”

  1. Chincesan Dumitru Augustin says:

    Thumbs up for these tutorials !!!
    The form works wonderful.
    But it would be great if the form will include also the phone field and if
    it’s possible a captcha generator field, for even more security.

  2. Gokul Achin says:

    i uploaded the contact form in 000webhosting server and the form came in
    asked for the details, after entering the details while entering the submit
    button its asking for name,e-mail,comments to be entered its not displaying
    any thankyou message

  3. Gary Wilson says:

    I have to say that I wanted to figure out how to do a contact form badly
    and visited several websites and web tutorials and none of them were worth
    a flip. This one looks professional, as the author says and works
    seamlessly. I don’t think I could write the php by hand wihout a years
    worth of php school at this point, so its very nice to have this
    opportunity here.
    In a message from James that was in the Validation Folder he sad a lot of
    hard work went into his project and I most assuredly can see how true that
    is. James brings the dreamweaver closer and further away when we need it to
    see his screen and includes other on screen illustrations I would have no
    way of knowing how to do that. So in the message he also says to show
    appreciation for his work to be sure and “link to his site”. I’m to stupid
    to know what exactly this means and requires, James you or anyone can
    explain it to me please.

  4. Eric Gallegos says:

    i’ve followed everything to the “T”. Everything is working perfectly except
    i’m not getting any emails. any ideas? i’m using godaddy’s workspace

  5. Gary Wilson says:

    also when you were adjusting the margin on the submit button and went back
    to 200px instead of 210, mine required 200. I have I.e. 11 or whatever on
    windows 8. Maybe this explains why I could only see half of the redX image
    when displayed in the browser. It is as if the image is just to large for
    the parameters set in the code. Or maybe I can mess with line-height,
    padding and margins and get the little thing where it belongs. I just left
    it out as the rest of the form works “smashingly”. (that’s british right?)
    Ignore the accent detraactors there were a couple of phrases that were
    almost melofic the way you speek American with that strange but interesting

  6. Pantje says:

    Dear James, I cannot express in word how thankful I am for your tutorial.
    It took me many attempts but in the end it worked (and still works)
    beautifully. (To all of you that try to make it work: dont give up…and do
    the exact steps that james does!!! All other adjustments do after!!!)
    I have never come across such a well done tutorial, ever! It must have
    taken a lot of time and effort to create and that makes you my hero of the
    day. Bless you James! Much love and light from Germany 

  7. OfficialVGOvideos says:

    Thanks so much James for the great Tutorial on making a Contact Form! I
    used your instructions to add one to my website,… as
    a token of my appreciation, please accept the free advertising to your
    website that I’m adding to my Partners Page… Thanks again! Jeremy.

  8. Arthur Siloka says:

    when i write someting in the textarea, the code is crashing, cant find

  9. omar ben hammouda says:

    i need help , the error messsege didn’t appear when i clic validate
    but there is black rectangle in there place
    how to solve this probleme 

  10. DJ Meskla says:

    I have a contact form in php but I’m using a contact html to display my
    design and from the there I contact the php to send my information it work
    fine but when I try to add more option to the php to have more than 3
    option like: “name, e-mail, company, Message” when I add company and I
    send my inf. I don’t rrecive the text con company I don’t know watht I’m
    doing bad I need help

  11. Gary Wilson says:

    how about a drop down fly out menu, the li ul li ul li ul combinations get

  12. James Bligen says:

    My validation folder downloads with a .rar extension. What did I do wrong?

  13. Denice Coleman says:

    I have been trying to find help with php contact forms since June 2014 and
    now Sept2014 I have came across your tutorial and everything makes since.
    But as usual I am having an issue with my actual php is showing up on the
    page. Can you please help me?

  14. 陈舸帆 says:

    cannot receive email

  15. MAS0NYX says:

    tried to be open minded and ignore the accent. Paused the video 5 minutes
    in to see if anyone commented on the accent. Sure enough, top voted first
    comment was about accent. Tried to continue video but only made it 9 minute
    mark before the voice drove me absolutely mad. Then tried to mute and turn
    on closed captioning, not even google understands this accent. hashtag

  16. Rushaa Rush says:

    Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to
    connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your
    "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use
    ini_set() in C:wampwwwcontactFormSitecontactcontact1.php on line 51.
    i’m getting this error. i have configured my server as well. yet still the
    same. Please help. Thank you :D

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