TUTORIAL – How to Create Glowing Eyes with Mocha/After Effects CS5

TUTORIAL - How to Create Glowing Eyes with Mocha/After Effects CS5

http://www.clubhouseinc.net http://twitter.com/clubhouseinc http://www.facebook.com/theclubhouseinc Everything looks cooler GLOWING. So why not make eyes glow? The only problem is that…

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14 responses to “TUTORIAL – How to Create Glowing Eyes with Mocha/After Effects CS5”

  1. Wieger Dam says:

    I do feel better about myself, thank you! haha

  2. Waheeda Rahman says:

    i’ve tracked the eyes in my video but once I copy the layer into AE the
    eyes don’t follow the original video footage, there’s like a slight delay.
    do you know why this might be happening? the circles follow the video on
    mocha just not AE :(

  3. rapfamily4 says:

    I’m making a cosplay of a MetroPolice Combine and I need to know how to
    make that glow effect… in real life xD

  4. Triever Studios says:

    Thank you!

  5. Avian Flight says:

    thanks needed it

  6. drebin1512 says:

    Thank you so much, this is so helpful.

  7. JacaEdits / KotoArts says:

    Nice 🙂

  8. hi2tai says:

    I have cs4

  9. sweatyweasle says:


  10. mykooleffects says:

    I can’t seem to get the layers into After effects I would select export
    shape data then copy to clip board but there are no layers from mocha in
    After effects. When I tried saving and opening it from a folder it would
    just say unsupported file.

  11. gamingforu says:

    how to i download the Project Footage File it just takes me into icloud

  12. MIXODON ox says:

    I would like to see the result

  13. MaDaFaKaDrImI says:

    U lier u have only 33 subscribers

  14. Waywardson256 says:

    @Power1Productions1 Unfortunately no. They did a great job on it though!
    The mask is probably the same one if we followed the same internet trails.

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