Vray Metal material tutorial in 3ds Max

Vray Metal material tutorial in 3ds Max

http://archvizcamp.com | Learn how to create Metal materials such as chrome, copper and brushed steel with V-ray and 3ds Max! Download the Scene file from Here: …
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9 responses to “Vray Metal material tutorial in 3ds Max”

  1. Simona B. says:

    thank you, worked very well with a simple studio hdri map in my scene.
    Would love to see a tutorial that is a bit more technical in terms of what
    parameters do, seems like there’s so much to adjust compared to mental ray
    arch and design materials…

  2. Arena Animation says:

    Vray Metal material tutorial in 3ds Max http://youtu.be/k0XMdwvsVpQ

  3. Wasem Gamal says:

    can you give us this file pleas :)

  4. Tuấn xeon says:

    thanks (y)

  5. Kuruma Designs says:

    I don’t get the material as reflective as you, it’s almost matte

  6. zakvid says:

    Thanks! can you do a tutorial about lighting in this scene? it’s very nice!

  7. Angel Eskizy Cruz says:

    Eres muy bueno, la vdd he visto muchos tutos y nunca uno como estos, no
    dejes de hacerlo lince, toma tu like 😉

    Pd casi ni te entiendo nada jajaj

  8. MVH brulee says:

    thanks !!

  9. Ravinder Singh says:


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